Nothing to me

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I run to my room and put my phone on charge. I honestly didnt wanna go clubbing tonight, but I needed to take my mind off Grayson.  At one point I miss him and then the other I wanna rip his balls off and shove it down his throat. I lay down on my bed with my teddy bear my mom gave me when I was 8. I always kept it, my mom always said to keep what you love most. Thinking about my mom made a tear roll down my cheek. I fall asleep trying to forget. The door slowly creaked open, I look up and see Hannah standing there all dressed up.

"B what're you doing in bed, go get ready" she says pulling me up
"Sorry, I forgot" I say
"Be quick" she says as she checked herself out

"B what're you doing in bed, go get ready" she says pulling me up"Sorry, I forgot" I say"Be quick" she says as she checked herself out

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(Hannah's outfit)

(Bianca's Outfit)

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(Bianca's Outfit)

I grab my phone and walk downstairs to see Hannah about to leave. 
"Yo, I meet you outside in a second" I yell. She nods and leaves.
"Where are you going?" Grayson asks jumping over the counter standing way too close to me. 
"Why do you care, go fuck your bitch" I say pushing him back.
"Look Im sorry, I was stupid to do that just give me a ch-" He starts as he held me close to him gently gripping my waist
"Grayson just shut the fuck up, you mean nothing to me  anymore, I hate you, just leave me alone" I say, pushing him away again. I walk upstairs to Ethans room.

"Yo Ethan, Im going out" I say and before he could reply I slam the door. I walk outside and see Hannah standing by the car.
"LEGGO" I say jumping into the passengers seat.

Graysons POV

I fucking missed her. Everything about her was just perfect. I wanted her this time but not for a bet this time. I wanted her all for myself. I wanted to start a family with her. I honestly could dream of much more, but she doesn't feel the same. I was so pissed, she had sex with Ethan twice. I know that because I hear them that night. I try to talk to her but she cuts me off. I fucking hate this. I dont need her, fuck this im going to the club, imma get some bitches. She will never like me. I ran into my room and came out.

I sat in my car, and the only place i could think of is XXX

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I sat in my car, and the only place i could think of is XXX. I pull up in the parking and walk straight in.

Bianca's POV

Hannah's been driving for what seems like hours. She said we were going to a club called XXX. I have no clue what it is.  I still cant get my mind off Grayson. Maybe I should give him another chance. Everyone deserves a second chance right?

We walk inside and I see sweaty couples and people fucking each other on the couch. But I had to say lots of hot guys were here. I sat at the bar and took a few shots, slowly getting tipsy. I ask the bar tender to give me the bottle and I chugged the thing. I walk to the dance floor until I bump into someone which shattered the bottle to pieces. I look up.

Graysons POV

I've been here for an hour, I haven't drank anything. I wasn't feeling it anymore. All I had on my mind was Bianca. I walk through the sweaty crowd trying to get to the front door. I bump into someone. A bottle fell and shattered to pieces. I look up and see Bianca. She looked at me and smirked. She holds on to me pressing her boobs up against my chest. I wasn't expecting her to be here. Is this where Hannah took her. Her breath smelt like alcohol. I felt here hand run through my hair, It felt so relaxing. She gently sucked on my neck leaving hickeys. I swear this is the longest time I survived without a boner. She made her way up to my lips and some how managed to slide her hand down my pants. 

Short chapter.
Its literally 12:30 in New Zealand and I cant sleep

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