My ex

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Grayson left me here all by myself with no answer, I was so bored I didn't have a phone I lost it somewhere so I decided to go shopping. It was 3.00 am so I had enough time. I didn't want to go alone so I went to Ethan's room. I knock on his door and a few seconds later he opens the door wearing only a towel around his waist revealing his perfectly toned abs. I stared like a creep for a few seconds until I realized what was happening. I smiled at him and ran a hand through my hair

"Do you want to go to the mall with me, I dont wanna go alone" I asked fiddling with my fingers
"Umm yeah, sure, they're a few things I need to get anyway, when do you want to go" He said
"Umm Im going to get ready now so meet you downstairs" I said smiling

I went to my room and wrote down a few things I needed to get while I was there. I then went to my closet to find something to wear. I didn't want a revealing outfit because I felt uncomfortable with the hickeys Nate gave me. So I pull out some black ripped jeans, a white Dobre hoodie and white Nike socks. I place my clothes on the bed and took a warm shower. I walked out in nothing but a towel. I walk back into my room and drop the towel. Soon someone walks through the door I turn around to see Ethan standing there.

"Hey, are you do-" I cut him off by screaming at him to get out he quickly eyes me up and down and runs out the door with a smirk. I shut the door and quickly get changed. I put on some liquid foundation and did a smokey eye look.I let my hair down and quickly straightened it. I put on my white yeezys and put on my cute black and white pineapple cap. I went down stairs to see Ethan on the couch on his phone. I got my keys and signaled Ethan to come. I didn't feel like driving so I got Ethan to drive he sat in the drivers seat and started my car. The car ride was awkward until Ethan broke the silence

"Can I ask you a quick question" He asked
"Umm yeah sure" I said
"well apparently I was molested, by a girl named Meredith?" 
"oh, umm yeah she was your ex"I said.   I looked at him he looked a little dizzy soon his eyes closed. His head goes down and hits his head in to the steering wheel that his head started to bleed. I literally panicked and quickly pulled out the keys of my car before we hit the car in front. I shake Ethan around but her didn't wake up, I checked his pulse to see if he was breathing. I quickly drive to a near by hospital and the nurses and doctors take him inside. A few minutes later he woke up I walked in to see that he remembered everything I was so happy. I get Ethans phone and call Mrs Dolan and tell her everything.

I looked at him and said "do you still want to go to the mall" smiling. He nodded and we drove off. Ethan  pulled into a parking spot I got off and told Ethan to meet outside when he got everything. I ran inside and went straight to apple. I looked around for a few seconds and decided to get a iPhone 7 rose gold.  I then went to Victoria's Secret. It had been 30 minutes and I have six bags. I walk outside to see Ethan standing there with two bags. 

"took you long enough" He smiled
"sorry, I need some important stuff you know" I said

The car ride was silent I got all my bags and went up stairs. I was so tired and hungry. I put away everything I bought except for my phone. I open the phone up and satisfy myself by peeling the plastic on top off. I turn it on and set it all out. I downloaded all my social media and my important apps and logged into all my accounts.I then set up all my contacts. I hear Mrs Dolan yelling from down stairs that dinner was ready I went down stairs with my phone in my pocket. I sat down at the table with everyone else I saw Grayson sitting there with his head down. It reminded me about what happened earlier. My eyes got watery but I held the tears back so I just got up and ran up stairs. Everyone looked up at me confused.

"Cameron where are you going?" Ethan said
"Cam?" Cameron said (dolan)
"Are you good bro" Ethan said
"Sweetie?"Mrs dolan questioned

Everyone was so puzzled I sat down in my room against the door crying into my knees. I heard footsteps come closer and closer. Cameron knocked on the door and I opened wiping my tears away.

"What happened dude?" she said

"Nthg, I was reminded of something real sad so I had to cry" I lied
"oh ok, (hands me a container of ice cream) I hope you feel better, what was it anyway" Sh asked
"My Mom" I said

"Ohhhhhh, okay get some sleep you have school tomorrow" She said, I smile

"Yeah Im pretty tired" I said. She walks out of my room and I get changed into a black croptop and some shorts. I get ready to go to bed. I quickly go down stairs to get a glass of water I took big gulps and ran back upstairs. Finally I get cozy into my bed. My eyes slowly start to close until I start to hear sloppy noises from the next room which was Cameron room. I peek through the door to see what was going on. My eyes widened, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I didn't know if it was real or not but I was definitely shocked
"WHAT THE FUCK" I yell.They both turn around

"Can you both keep it down" I said
"Come join" He said with a murderous smirk

" EWW fuck no" I said walking out the door.

Kaden was my ex, He cheated on me several times so I broke up with him so he spread a bitch ass rumor about me for revenge, he then went out with the school slut to make me jelly. I forgot about what was happening next door and just went sleep. 

Hey guys I hope you liked that chapter,

Any name suggestions for the Main character Cameron there are like three camerons in this story or something so I wanna change her name....Comment

VOTE for this please, I would really appreciate it.

I hit 100 reads........I know its not a lot but its my first ever book so make like Ethan and DEAL WITH IT........... Jokes but THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCCHHHHHH

-Love yall


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