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I sat outside the hospital room with my head in my hands. I knew that if I told Bianca she is going to think I'm pulling a prank on her again. Tears just fell down my cheek. Grayson was probably there dying or maybe even alive. I called mom, dad, Cameron. I sat around crying and crying. Finally one of the doctors came out and closed the door behind himself. I stood up immediately.
"Wait what're you doing here, where's Grayson" I say scrunching my eyebrows.
"I'm sorry but we lost him" She said looking down
"Wait what?" I say as my voice cracked.
"I'm sorry for your loss" she replied again rubbing my back in comfort.

Minutes later my parents and Cameron came in. We all sat there in silence suffering silently. My mom's eyes were bloodshot as my dad sat next to her looking the same. Cameron sat down in front of me against the wall crying in her knees. I couldn't bare seeing them like this. Cameron looked up at me then back down again. I then got up and went into his room. His lifeless body layed there not moving at all. I smiled as I held his hand. 
"I love you and you'll always be here for me even though I cant physically see you. I'll miss you" I squeaked as my smile turned upside down. His heart wasn't beating at all as I started to break down in tears. 

I stepped out of the room after crying and one by one the whole family went. Mom and dad went following them was Cameron as she was about to step in I pulled her back and held her. 
"I know it hurts, just stay strong for Grayson and take care of mom and dad. I need to go and meet someone really important to Grayson" I whisper resting my head on her shoulder as she held me close.
"I w-wi-l-l" She cried a little as she wiped her tears
"Stay strong cam" I reply

I head out after the rough time with my family but I didnt go to Bianca's. I was too stumped to even face her. She hated both of us. Well Grayson to be specific. I drive down further and further till I came across this hill. I stopped there and got out of my car. 

No one was there it was windy leaves were shuffling and flying past. It was so peaceful there no voices were heard other than my thoughts. I sat on the edge of the hill and looked down. Only one thing came in mind.... Grayson. I didnt know why he did it, was he jealous, was he fed up with the whole girlfriend drama, was he depressed, was it Bianca.  I sat there for the next few minutes in peace silently crying at times then wiping them away. I did it again and again till I felt a soft touch on my shoulder. I shrug it off but I felt the same touch on my shoulder again. I turn to see Bianca.

"Oh god....Ethan, what are you doing out here its cold and your eyes..they are literally bloodshot" She said helping me up as I was feeling weak.
"Were you crying?" She said embracing me in a hu
"Go away Bianca" I say aggressively pulling away
"Ethan...... whats wrong" She said looking down

Bianca's POV

"Ethan...... whats wrong" I said looking down
"Leave.." He said again
"Bianca....Grayson commit suicide" He said as tears formed his eyes
"Liar stupid ass prank wont get me" I laughed
"This is why I didnt tell you...you're going to think I'm lying" He yells

I thought about it for a minute, he was right. But what if it is a prank.

"Ethan" I whisper.
"What" he whispers back
"Take me to Grayson" 

"Rosemary Hospital Grayson Dolan Room 237" He cried
"I cant leave you here....alone" I said placing a hand on his cheek. As we stood face to face. I closed my eyes and before I knew it someones lips touched mine

Hiya new chapter
I tried.

I dont know why I did this..

Friends with benefits(Grayson Bailey Dolan)Where stories live. Discover now