Grayson and Nate

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Grayson sat in the passenger seat with a nervous look on his face.He put his seat belt on and closed his eyes.I placed my hand on his thigh

"Grayson, I got my drivers license two years ago and never crashed, We will be safe" I said giving him the puppy eyes

"Start driving Cam I don't wanna be late because of you" he said with a smirk

I reversed his car out of the drive way and stepped on the gas pedal, Graysons eyes widened. He told me to drive slower so I obeyed and let the gas pedal loose. We reached school safely, I promised him I would give him the kiss but in front of his friends. I saw Nate and May leaning against the wall making out I was happy for them both, I walked into the school and saw Alex leaning against my locker. 

"Hey alex"

"Hey Cam"

"So what brings you here" I said lifting my eyebrows

"Umm, I need to talk to you about someone" he said

"Oh really, who?" I said while grabbing my text books

"It's Nate" He said

"stop beating around the bush just tell me " I said

"He is cheating on May" he said nervously, I stomped off, he tried to grab me but I pushed him away

My blood boiled but I couldn't do anything.Nate is in my first class with Mr Dolan, My heart was beating so fast and my fist scrunched together really tight trying not to loose control. I saw Mr Dolan Writing something on the board about a project on WW1. 

So today I will be talking about your project on WW1, I have already picked your partners so dont groan about it. **skipping the part of calling out the names**

Ok cool I'm with Hannah, class was finished and I walked out on to the basketball court  and see Nate and the school slut Amber making out my blood boiled a quickly took a video, sent the video to may and put my phone in my pocket . There were alot of people standing there grayson and his friends were there, the school sluts friends literally everyone was there but I didnt care. I went up to Nate and pulled him back from Amber I slapped AMber and pushed her into a thorny bush behind her, soon everyone was staring at me, I grabbed nates shirt and pushed him into the wall, I ripped his shirt revealing his abs, I kicked him in the abs a few times and then kicked him in his dick so he remembers what happened in history class.I felt someone pull me back it was grayson, I pushed him back. I punched Nate in the face three times and then slapped him and pushed him to the ground I felt huge hands grabbing my waist and trying to pull me back but I held on to Nates collar, I was still mad at Nate so I kicked him while he was lying on the ground bleeding from  the mouth nose and leg.

I felt someone tugging my hair it was the schools slutty ass bitch, she was bleeding because of the thorns in the bush I pushed her into, that bitch pulled on my hair I grabbed her legs and flipped her causing her to land on her back into the thorny bushes again. I couldnt help myself to cry, I was really mad, Grayson grabbed me by the arm pulling me away from Nate taking me to the other end of the basketball court where May was standing. I was still really mad, Graysons grip was to tight I couldnt get out then suddenly Mr Dolan came running out of the door he saw that Grayson was holding me back from Nate. He ran to Nate and got Alex to take him to the hospital. I was getting very mad at this moment and I could tell grayson could feel me tensing. Suddenly grayson pulled me in to kiss him I let my body loose and passionately kissed grayson, his soft plump lips pressed against mine. Untill I felt someone pull me away

Sorry for the short chapter im not at home right now

Im probably gonna upload again today 

Love yall


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