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I made my way downstairs and waited for Diego to show up. The door bell rang and Ethan ran and opened it. I saw Diego standing there smiling. I ran and jumped on to him as he wrapped his arms around me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Ethan looked at me weird and raised an eyebrow. I took a moment and held onto Diego taking in every moment. I looked up and smiled and kissed his cheek

"Hey sis, did you miss me?" He ask
"Of course I did, when did you get back?" I ask jumping off him
"Yesterday" he says
"Can we hang out today?" I ask
"Sure" He says
"Are you going back?" I ask looking down
"Unfortunately yeah I'm staying for a week" he sighs
"Oh ok, its okay" I say
"Lets go"  He says pulling me
"Hold on" I say
"Ethan this is my brother Diego" I say
"I figured that" He says
"We going out today so your on your own" I say
"Bye" Ethan says
"Bye E"I say waving closing the door behind me 

Me and Diego got into his car and we drove off to where we always go when he comes over. I always loved Diego I was closer to him more than anyone that was left in my world. We drove jamming out to our playlist of our favorites songs. Talking about all our childhood memories and Chris our younger brother who is in Canada. We arrived to our spot and I got out of the car and we walked over to the beautiful mountains side by side. We sat on the edge below us was crystal clear water. I took a deep breath taking in the view. 
"How was Italy' I ask running a hand through my hair
"It was great, I just thought I should visit because of Mom" He says, the though of my mom just upsets me and my eyes got watery. 
"Hey sis its okay, she's always watching you from above" He says wrapping an arm around me wiping my single tear. 
"I know but I miss her" I say looking down.
"So do I, anyway" He says taking a deep breath
"So who was that guy at the door when I went to pick you up" He asks raising an eyebrow
"Oh before mom died she told me to move in with the Dolan family and they have three kids " I say, I took a deep breath when I mentioned the kids, Grayson came to my mind. I felt like I still liked him. 
"Oh okay so was that one of his sons" he says, I nod 

The rest of the day went past and me and Diego finally decided to go home. He dropped me off and drove off because he was staying with Jack. I knock on the door to see Grayson. He glared at me and stood there with his arms folded
"Hey G" I say 
"Where were you all day?' He asks seriously. 
"You dont need to know Grayson move out of the way" 
"I do need to know Im your boyfriend" He says 
"You were my boyfriend Grayson, not anymore" I say trying to push him but I couldn't. He stepped a little closer to me and pulled me against his chest and gently placed kisses on my neck and made his way up to my lips giving me a peck.
"I still love you Bi, you make me feel like myself, I get it i'm a fuck boy and I fucked a lot of girls in the school, but when I saw you for the first time I was blown away" He says
"I DON'T FUCKING CARE GRAYSON, YOU KISSED AMBER GO BACK TO YOUR LITTLE SLUT AND FUCK HER IN THE PUSSY AND KICK HER TO THE CURB LIKE EVERY OTHER GIRL, I KNOW ABOUT YOUR PATHETIC BET, LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yell slapping him twice and pushing him to aside causing him to stumble and fall on his ass. I couldn't take it anymore this time I didn't try to stop my tears I let them flow and ran upstairs and ran into my room still crying. I lock the door sitting right in front of it crying into my knees. 

I was losing everyone I lost Mom my brothers my best friend and now Grayson. It hurts me to see Grayson kiss another girl. It was crazy of me to think we had something especially with the schools biggest fuck boy. That night I cried and cried until I heard a knock on the door. 
"Bianca are you okay, we can hear you crying please open the door" Ethan pleads. I get up and open the door letting Ethan squeeze the gaps. I close the door behind him and wipe my red eyes. I was so weak I couldnt stand straight, I fall into Ethans arms and his warm arms wrap around me my head dug into his neck the smell of him just made me feel a little better. He rubs my back and picks me up and places me on my bed. I squeezed my eyes shut preventing the tears but they still ran down my cheeks
"Bianca what happened" He asks holding my hand gently crossing our fingers
"Grayson" I say 
"I knew it" He says getting up in anger. 
"Ethan please stay" I say

We both lay down on my bed next to each other. His arms wrapped around me and I move closer pressing my boobs up against his chest holding on to him. 

Ethans POV

I felt her boobs against my chest her eyes were shut tight. She looked so scared I didn't know what happened but I didn't like seeing her like this. A few minutes later she was lying on top of me her legs were around me and her arms around me as well. I knew she wasnt asleep because she was forcing her eyes shut. She slowly opened her eyes, I looked into her eyes and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. 
"Ethan..." She whispers
"Yeah B" I reply

"Kiss me?" she asks,

I was confused why she would ask this but I kissed her anyway. I slowly lean in and kiss her, she kissed back with our lips bonding passionately. She was sitting in my lap now and my hands gripping on to her waist. She gets off me not breaking the kiss and slides down my shorts. I remove my shirts and seconds later we both were naked. She got on her knees and deep throated my dick making eye contact every three seconds. I picked her up bridal style and placed her down on the bed and stuck my tongue in her, going up and down. 

Bianca's POV

He stuck his tongue inside me, I let out a moan gripping on to the bed sheets trying not to cum. He looks up at me and smirks. He inserts two fingers going faster and faster every second. I squirt and he starts to eat me out I felt his hand on my stomach. I got up and pulled him closer to me as he slowly sucked on my neck and placed his wet kisses on my neck as he reached me sweet spot. He got a condom from his pocket and let me slip it on him, he entered me as he pounded in me harder and faster. His thrust got sloppier as we both let ourselves cum he pounded even harder after that hitting my g spot. A few minutes later we were both lying on the bed out of breath. 
"I asked for a kiss Ethan.." I say 
"Thanks anyway" I say pecking him on the lips
"Hope you feel better" he winks
"Thanks E, I don't know whats the reason behind this is so dont be mad" I say
"Dont worry I understand no feelings right just sex, I do it all the time when Im mad or stressed " He says
"Yeah no feelings" I say getting up
"Imma go now" He says slipping his shorts on
"Okay" I say shutting the dor behind him

I jumped in the shower real quick and changed into a white tank top and some pink shorts. I brush my hair I look at the time and its only 9. I go down stairs to see Diego, Cameron and Grayson on the couch. I go down and jump in between Diego and Cameron who were cuddling. 

"Hey Diego, you and Cameron, already?" I ask he blushes and chuckles 
"Ughh you could say that, Cameron's going back to Italy with me" he says 
"Aww you too getting married?" I ask 
"Sis you ask way too many questions, can we talk about this later" He says
"So Cameron where are your parents?" I ask completely ignoring Grayson
"Grayson you didnt tell her?" she asks glaring at him, Grayson hakes his head no. 
"Well they moved to France" She says 
"Oh okay when?" I ask 
"This morning" she says
"So after you and Diego leave imma be here with these fucking idiots?" I ask 
"Ugh yeah" she says
"Great" I say walking back upstairs sleepishly. 

I fall asleep with both boys on my mind not knowing which one I like...


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