Valentines day

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Me and Gray made our way down to his car. I got in and minutes later we were at school. I sometimes wish school would end but we have one week left. Me and Grayson walked to the main door hand in hand. I was slightly pissed of at May and wasn't in the mood to talk to her. Me and Grayson stopped near my locker.

"Okay so dates at 4" I say

"No three" he fights back

"No thats too early" I whine

"How about 5" He says

"Dates on me" I claimed

"No babe thats not fair" He whines
"We will decide when we are at home I have history"I say


"Later babe" I say gave him a quick peck on the cheek

I had history with Ethan, I didn't really mind Ethan but then may had the same class as me I wanted to beat the piss out of her. She gets on my nerves, I went and sat down. The class filled up may was sitting right in front of me. I sat down and waited fro class too start until I got a message from Aaron

A: I need to tell you something

B: Umm what

A:So you and Grayson are dating right
A: It was a bet
A: Sends a video of Grayson kissing amber

My heart stops beating, I was so mad at this point. It was silent all of a sudden. I cream from the top of my lungs wanting to beat the piss out of someone. 

"Bianca?" Ethan questioned, I run out the door all the way out to the hallway where I saw Grayson sucking Amber's face off. 

"WHAT THE FUCK GRAYSON, YOU PIECE OF SHIT," I yell and slap him in the face

Ethans POV

Bianca ran out of the classroom screaming like crazy I was confused what was happening. I saw Mays face turn into a murderous smirk. I run after her, really worried at this state. I see her screaming at Grayson she slaps him and ran out of he school. 
"Grayson what the fuck did you do?" I say pushing him into the lockers

I run after her. She runs really fast I look around the basket ball courts but still saw no one. I run to the turf to see her crying on one of the far benches. She sat there on the benches crying into her knees. I had no idea what to do or what happened so I went and sat next to her.It hurts me too see her like this, I knew this had to do with Grayson. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to my chest. Her tears soaked my tie. 
"Bi what happened" I ask her running my hand through her hair tucking it behind her ear.
"Grayson cheated on me, and Aaron told me it was a bet" She sobs, I angrily sighed and pulled her even closer to me.Her tears went through  my dress shirt. I see Hannah running towards us. 
"Bi are you okay, I swear imma beat the shit outta him, Aaron told me what happened" She claims pulling her close to her.
"Hey Mr . Dolan"
"Call me Ethan" I say
"Take her home, she has the keys"I tell her. 
"Umm are you sure?" She re assures

"I dont wanna go home" Bianca claims

Bianca's POV*

I was so upset over Grayson I thought we had something I guess he was always a fuck boy. I didn't wanna go home. Grayson doesn't deserve me so I will show him what he missed out on. I instantly got up and got my self together
"I dont wanna go home, Im staying here"I interrupt
"Ethan its okay, I'm fine, I shouldn't of trusted him" I say
"Thanks E, See you after school, Imma need you to take me home" I chuckle
"Sure" He smiles

"Lets go Hannah" I have history with Ethan so do you so lets go" I say clinging on to her arm

I saw Ethan had already left. So I started to walk down with Hannah. I needed to grab my books from my locker so I told Hannah to go ahead and walk to class. I opened my locker and grabbed my books, I felt a warm breath on my neck and arms wrap around my waist. I turned around to see Grayson. 

"I'm sorry, I swear it wasn't my fault" He exclaimed
"I dont give a fuck Gray, Its over" I yell kicking him in the dick and pushing him into the locker next to mine. I made my way over to class. Everyone looked at me and I awkwardly smile. The rest of the day went on Grayson tried to approach me a few times, but I walked away. the bell went and I waited outside of school near Ethans car. I saw Grayson come towards me, here we go again  I thought to myself. 

"What do you want Grayson" I say folding my arms"
"I'm sorry, look I know I shouldn't of done that to you I should of told you about the bet"
"I dont care, we can be friends nothing more" I say 
"Really?!" He jumps surpisingly

"Totally?!" I say 

"Ethans taking me home today so youn can take your car" I say 
"Oh ok" He says walking away

I didn't ever wanna feel sexually  attracted to home again. Ethan came and we silently went home not saying a single thing.The rest of the week was normal. We had a 2 month break. I was pumped. Today was the first day of our holidays I didn't want to stay home all day. I got a message from my older brother Diego . I jump around like a retarded deer. I open the message.
Diego:Hey sis, where do you live. Why aren't you at home.
Me:OMG hi your in LA?
Diego: Yeah send me the address
Me: *sends address*
Diego: See you soon

Diego is my older brother he is 20 and im 18 I have a younger brother Chris. I got up from my bed and got into the shower. I came out with a towel around myself. I dropped the towel but then someone opened the door. I turned around to see and shirtless Ethan standing there eyeing me up and down.My whole faced went red.
"Oh umm I wanted to see if you were awake" He says scratching the back of his head closing the door
I got changed into (image above) and did some simple make up. I got my phone from the dressing table and made my way down to the kitchen. 

I won't be uploading this as often because my laptop broke and i'm getting a new one soon. I will try my best to upload from other places..


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