Jack Gilinsky

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I got my hand bag out of the passenger seat and walked towards the door. I knocked on the door and so a cute girl standing there smiling. 

"Umm, hi, you must be Cameron " she said 
"yeah, how do you know" i said smiling
"mom wouldn't stop talking about you and grayson last night and about how you were moving in she was so excited, oh and I'm Cameron BTW" she said pulling me in for the hug
cool we have the same name, she let me in and we walked down the hall way all the way to the living room. I saw Ethan sitting there grading papers and then I saw grayson right next to him on his phone they both turned around and looked at me Grayson sent a smile and Ethan sent a smirk. Me and Cameron walked over to the kitchen and saw the lady from the elevator and in this case Grayson mom. She walked over to me and smiled, and gave me a hug.

"Hi Cameron, how are you"
"Hi Mrs Dolan ,i'm great thanks for asking" I said smiling back
"call me Lisa" 
she looked at the man standing at the kitchen and said"this is Grayson's dad, Sean" she said pointing towards him he waved and I waved back. She then pointed to Ethan "you know him right" she said, I nodded.

"Cameron can you take her to her room please" Lisa yelled Cameron nodded and took me upstairs
"Grayson can you go get her stuff from her car" she said, grayson got up and grabbed all my suitcases at once. Cameron led me to my room and it looked exactly the same size of my old room but the walls were turquoise with zebra prints stripes on the ceiling. My other room had yellow walls and cheetah print on the ceiling." I love it" I squeal jumping onto my bed. Grayson bought in my stuff and placed it next to my bed. "Thanks Grayson" I said smiling. He looked down and left the room. Me and Cameron sat in my room chilling out after she helped me finish unpacking all my bags and stuff. We switched numbers and just hung out talking about all girly stuff she left after a few minutes and I sat inside It was only 1.00 am. I texted May asking her if she wanted to hangout she said she was hanging out with Alex(aiono). I looked through my contacts to see who else I could ask to hangout. Jack Gilinsky????  I have had a crush on him since primary. I haven't seen him in years so I dont really know what he looks like now but he was a hottie when I met him. I didnt really like him now.But we could be friends? I pressed on his contact and sent him a message.


Jack:Who is this
Me:It me Cameron from primary
Me:(sends a sexy pic of herself)
Jack: OMG Cameron your so hoooottt, we need to meet up I'm going out with my friends tonight and your coming with me , you live in LA right??
Me:Yeah I do of course I would love to come
Me:what your address
Jack: sends address
Me: See ya in an hour
Jack: See ya

I got changed into a cute but sexy outfit and let my hair down.I brushed out all the knots and straightened it. I changed my lipstick colour to a peachy pink to go with my outfit.

 I changed my lipstick colour to a peachy pink to go with my outfit

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I grabbed my cute handbag and went down stairs. I was hungry, I went to the kitchen to see shirtless Ethan sitting on the counter eating a peach. I went to the kitchen and sat next to Ethan on the counter.

"Who are you texting Mr Dolan" I said pulling out my phone
"No one Cam, you can call me Ethan at home by the way"He stuttered

" Where are you going" He asked
" To meet someone I'm leaving in 30 minutes so I thought I should just hangout with you guys until I leave"
"LOL I am leaving to go somewhere as well in 30 minutes because Grayson left without me" He said smiling
"Cool" we sat there talking while we both texted people. "Bye Ethan imma go now I have to drive for 20 minutes so Imma leave a little early" I waved and swung my handbag over my shoulder. I grabbed my keys and started driving. I pulled into the driveway of his house I got out of my car and took a deep breath and knocked on the door. The door opened and I looked up to see Grayson standing there shirtless with messy sex hair with May standing next to him in his over sized shirt. My jaw dropped seeing him like this.

"what are you doing here" he said breathing heavily.
"I was hear to see Jack not you" I sassed as a tear fell down my cheek I wiped it away.
"May, I though you were hanging out with Alex, what the fuck" I pushed may outta the way causing her to fall since I was so mad at her.
I went in and ran to Jack and jumped he caught me and he gave me a hug, he kissed me on the cheek .I looked back at Grayson and a wave of jealousy came over me so I kissed him back except on the lips, Jack kissed back and then we both pulled away. Grayson's jaw clenched and his fists tightened. I sat down on the couch next to Aaron( carpenter ). Soon everyone gathered up in the living room except for one person, May. She went straight through the door.

Hey people

OOOOOHHH whats gonna happen next 

next chapter is juicy I have a few things planned

sorry for the short chapters I have school but on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays I spam so get used to me

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