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Grayson and I stayed out until night time, we went around the town meeting up with people after all this stress we had on our back with viola and her dramatic ass. We went around town and we hung out with all of our friends from school which starts in another month. We met up with Cameron(Dallas) and later that day he had invited Grayson, Ethan and I to come to his party tonight. I personally was so down and was excited but Grayson, on the other hand, thought it was a bad idea.
"Come on a little," I tell him clinging onto his arm.
"It'll be our chance to just forget about everything" I smile jumping but Grayson didn't react, he stood there with no emotion and then he shrugs.
"Maybe this is our chance to start more drama," Grayson says rolling his eyes.
"Grayson...stop that. Are you coming or not?" Cameron asks
"No," he says rolling his eyes, Cameron looked at me and I smiled
"I'll be there" I laugh giving him a fist pump.
"Awesome, the party starts at 7 pm" he smiles
"She's not going," Grayson tells Cameron
"Umm..." cam looks at me confused
"Grayson what the f-" I start
"You're not going, we'll talk later Cameron," he says and then we leave. I look at Grayson and he looks at me.
"What the hell was that?" I asked him pointing towards the door after Cameron had shut it.
"It was nothing...let's go home," he says lifting me up and taking me to his car.
"Grayson I wanna go to the party" I whine swinging over his shoulder.
"No you're not going okay?!" he says raising his voice at me, he placed me in the car seat and then tells me to put my seatbelt on, I shake my head.

"I'm going to that party, I want to go" I demand him.
"BIANCA YOU ARE NOT GOING!" he yells and then slams the door not caring about the whole seatbelt matter.
"WHY NOT GRAYSON!?" I yell at him opening the door again and stepping out.
"WHY CANT I GO GRAYSON?!" I yell as he starts to walk back to me, clearly in anger. He looks at me and then grabs me by the neck and pins me against his car.
"BECAUSE I SAID YOU CANT GO!" he slams me and then points to the car door and tells me to get in. I look at him as he continues to stare into my eyes deeply.

This isn't Grayson... somethings wrong, something hurt him. With all this anger built up inside Grayson, he strangled me... he strangled his girlfriend he's engaged to. But this isn't Grayson, I know it's not.

We continue to pierce into each others soul in so much anger. My chest was going up and down as I was trying to control myself and my self-defense reactions. I groan out loud and the kick a brick that was sitting near me.
"FINE I WON'T FUCKING GO, I CAN GET A RIDE HOME OTHER THAN GOING WITH YOU!" I tell him with so much fury, I poke the finger straight at him and push him away.

He looks at me and then he seemed to calm down. He didn't look at me angrily his chest wasn't rising up and down fast like mine. He then looks at me and steps back, he looked scared. But as in for me I was confused and lost. I looked into his eyes, they were filled with worry and fear. Slowly I noticed his eyes were getting watery, he looks at me then starts to shiver It was noticeable. I stepped towards him and my hand made a small touch with his, m moved his hand back real quick.
"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME" he yells at me scaring me as I stumble back.
"YOU BIPOLAR SON OF A BITCH!" I yell at him and then kick him in the nuts.
"LEAVE YOU ASSHOLE." I scream with tears rubbing down my face.

With that Grayson stepped away and angrily stomped to his car door.  Still stings to see him go but it was for the best at this moment. He continues to glare at me continuously and then he speeded off.

My neck had bruise marks on them from Grayson's hand when he strangled me. I take a deep breath and then call an Uber to come get me. I went back to my place that night and laid in bed till I fell asleep which was specifically 5 in the morning considering I watched Netflix and ate since Grayson didn't get food..

Oof new chap....UMMMM plot twist lol.
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