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I knew anything could happen between Grayson and Amber but I made like Elsa and let it go. I feel like I can trust Grayson. Me and Cameron were leaning against the car while Grayson and Ethan fought over who was driving. Me and Cameron decided to go up to them. 

"Paper scissors rock, both of yous out of three" I said 
"Fine!" Ethan said rolling his eyes. They kept doing the same thing for a straight minute. 
"Okay thats it, Cameron's driving" I said. They both groaned. Grayson sat in the passengers seat and I sat in the seat behind him and Ethan sat next to me behind Cameron. It was a 15 minutes drive so I texted may that we were on our way. I switched my phone off but then I got a notification from Ethan. I look up to him and he looks down at his phone.

E: So are you and Grayson a thing
Me: Umm, why
E: Just asking
Me: You know you cant be with me your my teacher and i'm your student the relationship wont work
E:I just want to say that you wont be needed for the running competition (i think it was about running)
Me: Okay since it already passed 
E:lol yeah
Me: Can I ask you something
E: Umm yeah
Me: Remember when I got raped did you see it happen

Remembering it just made a single tear roll down my cheek. It was a terrifying moment especially seeing Ethan being molested and shot three times. Grayson with tears in his eyes hurt me even more.
E: yeah...
Me: Oh ok
E: I can see you crying dont worry he is gone now. I made sure he was in prison
Me:Thanks E, what about merehoe
E: Lol merehoe... well I dont know apparently she moved to France so I dont really know

"we're here" Grayson said in excitement. I quickly switch off my phone and we all got out. I texted may
Me: Yo where u at
May: are u at the front gate? 
May: I'm on my way with Aaron
May: Stay there

"May's coming" I said. 

"It's August" Ethan said holding in his laughter

"Puns with Ethan episode one" I said sarcastically. Grayson came and sat next to me he swung his arm around my neck and gave me a little peck on the lips. I smiled and heard someone squealing

"I knew it!!!!" she squeals running down to me pulling me by the wrist she whispers... 

"I knew it was Grayson" 
"umm should we go now" 

Grayson and Ethan were talking to Aaron while me and Cam had a girl talk with May.
"so you can Grayson huh" Cameron said lifting an eyebrow
"Ugh yeah" I said looking at Grayson who was smirking
"Aww so cute!!!" May squeals
"Well I dibs buying the tickets" I said and ran to the lady who sold them

"Oh no you don't" Grayson said running after me. He grabbed my hand before I could reach the lady and pulled me close to him and handed the lady his money

"Grayson!" I yelled

"I was gonna pay" I said
"I already did" He Said
"I  a l r e a d y  d i d" I mimicked

He let out a little giggle and we all went in. The last time I came here was with my mom. The thought of her made me weak. I stopped and took a deep breath. May and Aaron were in front of us and Gray, E, Cam and I were walking behind them talking about stuff. I put my hands in my pocket nervously. Grayson's hand brushed against mine and he gently squeezed it. We got to the entrance of spookers this is where all the scary stuff starts and if you dont wanna be scared during the game you just need to put your hand up. I held Grayson's hand the whole time and Cameron was on Ethans back smiling but terrified at the same time. May wasn't scared at all Aaron looked like he was gonna piss his pants and I let a little chuckle. I stopped and so did Gray

"What happened babe?" He questioned. Out of no where I jumped on his back and we went down the scary halls. I screamed a few times and beat May Cameron and the boys to the end. We waited for them for a few minutes we stood there in silence
"Babe you look hot as fuck" Grayson said

"Thanks Gray you look gorgeous" I said with a smirk

He smashed his lips on mine and let his tongue slip. We were no making out and passionately kissing in public.His lips were so soft and plump it would be a day dream to kiss him. I let out a little moan and wrapped my legs around his torso.

"AHEM!" Ethan yells

"AHEM!" may screams
"Are y'all done?" Aaron said smirking
"Yeah, I wanna go get dinner" Cameron whined

"Yeah me too, stop eating each others faces, there is something called food" may stated
"Oh-ugh-umm Yeah" Grayson stuttered scratching the back of his neck. I stood there blushing we told Aaron and Ethan to meet us at the Hollywood hills after they get the KFC. We let Ethan go with Aaron so I could talk to may and catch up with things with her. We didn't really speak because it was so silent.  

"Umm, grayson, would you mind passing me the aux" I said putting my hand on his shoulder
"Yea sure babe" He said and gave me the aux
"Thanks" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek

I played bank account by 21 Savage and we all jammed out to it and enjoyed ourselves. Cameron was driving so she wasn't jamming as much. I looked at may who was staring at her phone she had that "about-to-cry" face. I scooted over to her and looked at her phone she was texting Nate. I was shocked to see what had happened in the conversation. 

Nate: I'm out of jail, I can get my revenge off Bianca

May: Don't touch her you already raped her what else would you want. 

Nate: Im gonna make me marry her and if she says no expect her boy toy to be gone
May: Grayson is a man he doesn't need to be a sore loser over a girl that doesn't like him. He treats girls with respect and he is very loyal unlike you and your soul. Go find a will to live.
Nate:What the fuck did you just say bitch, you're going to regret that... Lets see Aaron at KFC huh 
May: Please dont hurt him. 

I read every single text so far and as soon as that last text was sent I got the phone of May and took the aux out of my phone. 
"Cameron pull over" I yell, she pulls over immediately and looks at me confused
"Bianca, its fine please dont Bianca" May cried

"Babe?, are you good " Grayson said

I got out of the car and pulled May with me we stopped near a beach so I went to the beach and stood there with may looking down in fear. I could tell she was upset
"Do you love Aaron?" I asked her. She didn't reply

"yes I dont wanna lose my man again it happens every time" 
"if you really love him I'm willing to get raped again I hate seeing you like this your not going tp get hurt over me !!!!!" I yelled 

Okay up yall 

long time no talk

sorry I havent been uploading its hard because of school\

BUUUTTTTT.. thank you guys so much for the reads. Even though its only 230 i really aprecciate it tysm

Love yall 


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