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"you heard me, now is not the time to act deaf bitch" I said sitting on Grayson's lap again, everyone knows she likes Grayson, her fists clenched. 

"You dont know me Bianca, watch your mouth" she yelled
"Amber who the fuck wouldn't know you, you were the girl who had a used condom in your locker last year" I said, everyone cooed
"At least I get the D the only D you get is your moms dildo" She screamed
"I dont need to be as slutty as you to get the D, I have standards, and that dildo you were talking about, when was the last time you posted a picture of your dildo collection on instagram going from 5 inches to 14 inches, I dont mind sharing  that with the cafeteria"I said raising my voice higher and higher
"at least I have dildo's"
"and is that a good thing or bad thing, PORNO!!" I yelled
"Face it Amber, your a slut and if you want proof I will give you proof" I said glaring at her
"Fine give me proof" she sassed
"Okay then" I pull out my phone  and type in porn hub, I search her name up and send screenshots to the whole cafeteria including Amber, everyone's jaw dropped

"I-I" She stuttered then ran away
"I dont mind sharing this with your mom" I yelled

The whole time I was sitting in Grayson's lap, who still had the boner. I couldn't blame him, he is one of the most popular boys in the school. I got off his lap and kissed him on the cheek
"thanks for the seat sugar" I said, I was pretty pissed off at Amber, but at least I didn't cause any physical Violence. The rest of the day was pretty boring . I was at my last period that was with Ethan. I walked in and sat down in class, me and Grayson had this class together so this is going to be awkward. We still had ten minutes, Grayson came in and sat next to me and swung an arm around me, I looked at him and smiled. I got my phone out of my pocket and scrolled through instagram, I go to Graysons account to see that he posted a picture of himself, I commented Why your jawline look like a bicycle seat, Ethan looked so bored so I decided to text him

Me: Hey
E: Hey how are you
M: I'm good, Can we talk after class
E: I guess
Me:Perfect !! its something important 
E: Okay 

I see Grayson peeking over my shoulder, I move making his head fall down. "were you reading my texts.... again" I asked frowning, he nodded and smiled.
"dont worry I'm not going to fuck him I just need to ask a few questions" I said cupping his cheek
"oh okay good, because you're mine baby girl" He smirked. 

We were in middle of class it was pretty boring, nothing special. I sat there on my seat while Mr Dolan lectured the students. I wasn't paying attention to anything he was saying. I was drowned in my thoughts from earlier, I didn't really know what Kaden wanted from me. I just dont want Cameron thinking I stole her fiance because of that video that was filmed 5 months ago.I felt a warm hand on my thigh, I looked down and saw Graysons hand. I moved his hands away and he frowned.It wasn't turning me on right now, I was still in my thoughts thinking about all the ways Kaden is going to ruin me with that video. At least Grayson knows. I closed my eyes because I started to feel dizzy everything was so complicated right now. 

Ethan's POV**
I was giving these kids a lecture about Hitler. I looked at Bianca who was not paying attention at all, she closed her eyes and started to move her head back and forth. She looked like she was being possessed

"Miss Robson?" I said, no reply

"Miss Robson?" I repeated, no reply
"Miss Robson?!" I yelled, her eyes finally opened
"Miss Robson, are you okay" I asked
"I-I'm f-fine" She stuttered
"Umm, are you sure?" I assured
"Yeah, I'm sorry for interrupting, carry on" She casually said

Grayson's POV**

I didn't know what was going on with her she removed my hand from her thigh, her eyes were closed. I knew exactly what was happening. For a second I thought she was having a seizure. I could tell she was looking back at everything that has happened this week. Her eyes opened and she spoke up. I was so relieved, but the way she spoke gave me a feeling that sooner today she is going to faint. The bell rings and we get to go home.

Bianca's POV

I was a little scared of Kaden right now but I let it slide for now. The bell rings and everyone is getting up to leave. I stayed back and told Grayson to stay back with me. While Ethan graded papers everyone left and soon it was just us three.
"So what did you want to take about?" Ethan said looking up
"Well I wanted to talk about Kaden" I said nervously
"Oh, uhh ok" he said

"Why is Grayson here though?" He asked
"dont worry, I already told Grayson about it" I said
"well you know how Kaden is my ex" I said , he nodded 
"well I broke up with him because he cheated on me and at my old school he was the biggest fuck boy, he doesn't treat girls right, he just sleeps with them and kicks them to the curb" I said out of breath

"are you fucking serious??" He said walking over to me and Grayson
"Yeah and this morning he texted me about some shit, but if I show you the texts promise you wont tell anyone about it until I tell you to, this is only to stay between me, you and Grayson" I said

"Promise" He whispered , I handed him my phone and he opened the texts Kaden sent me this morning ,his jaw dropped. I looked down because I was scared not knowing how he would react. I saw anger in his eyes, like he was furious. I tapped Grayson on the shoulder signaling him to look at his brother who was going to have a breakdown soon. Grayson got up and put a hand on his shoulder, he looked at Grayson and said something but I couldn't hear.

"Ethan don't be mad, he is my ex, not my boyfriend" I said gathering my stuff

"but he is going to get married to my sister tomorrow?!" He said

"TOMORROW!!!" I panicked 

"They are getting married tomorrow" I said, they both nodded and I sighed

"Well okay then, when are you coming home tonight, I still need to talk to you,, alone?" I said 

"Um around 6 " he said, I nodded 
"Umm so wanna go home now Grayson, I'm tired"
"Yeah lets go" Grayson said, I held his hand and waved at Ethan who was still in shock.I mouthed "dont tell anyone" to him.

We got to the parking lot and stood near the car, I pull out my phone and took a selfie because I felt like it, I looked over at Grayson who was facing the other way. I went up behind him and gave him a kiss on the cheek and took a picture while I did it. He turned around with a confused look, I smirked and went into the drivers seat. 

"thanks for the picture" I said 
"I'm driving" He said lifting me off the drivers seat
"No I wanna drive, its my car" I said
"nope, I'm driving" He fought back, we went on for a few more minutes on who was driving.He wasn't going to give up easily, so I had to seduce him. I stepped a little closer to him and then a little closer and closer. I jumped on to him and pressed my boobs up against his chest. 
"Can I please drive" I whispered seductively, I nibbled on his ear as he let out a small moan.

"N-No, I'm dr-driving" He stuttered

"Please GrayBae" I whispered, I sucked on his neck
"Fine, You're lucky, you're beautiful" He whispered. I jumped off him and smashed my lips against him. He kissed back and we pashed for a few seconds. 

"Thanks Gray" I said

I got into the drivers seat and waited for Grayson to come around to the passengers seat. He sat down and we head home. Me and Grayson were jamming out to Do Re Mi by Blackbear. I turned down the music and checked my phone that was vibrating. Grayson was staring at me desperate to know I showed him my phone. It was Amber, he smiled and answered the call but put it on speaker. He signaled me to say something. 


What did you think

I tried

im sorry for my cringey ness

Love yall

Later ma dudes

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