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" What the fuck do you mean, No your not getting raped again. You had bruises and hickeys everywhere last time" She said
"Well Do you really love Aaron dont lie to me" 

"Yes, but not as much as I love Nate, You always end up hitting him and accusing him. What the fuck why are we even friends. Fucking stay away from me" She yelled

"I never liked you anyway, you were always the popular one and I was always one of your minions" She says slapping me

" I treated you like every other girl you are not more special to me I love everyone equally, and lets not forget about the fact that you were pregnant before you came here and still are. Be happy I supported your broke ass after getting pregnant by your ex" I said slapping here back 


"Leave bitch!" I shout

She walks away from me with attitude. I was crying believing she did such a thing. That bitch is pregnant and acts like this. I was so pissed. I was crying and sobbing feeling so weak, I saw Grayson running towards me, I started to feel so dizzy. I knew anything could happen now that May knows everything and that Nate is out of jail. I need to think straight so much on my mind I had no idea what was happening. I felt someone shake me around I was still crying I just fell into the arms of that person crying and slowly everything was black...

I woke up the next morning, smelling perfume. It wasn't just any perfume, I recognized it. I'm in Grayson's bed. I heard the shower running. He came out with just a towel wrapped around his waist. I was so confused I started to remember things from last night. May and Nate was all that came to mind. 

Grayson's POV

Me and Cameron were so confuse seeing May and Bianca run out of the car I told he to park on the side of the road and went down to the beach area where they ran. I was so confused I looked around and saw nothing but the ocean I went down the beach further and saw them standing there shouting at each other. They were both crying I heard everything they said. I saw them slap each other than walk off. Bianca stood there crying I ran up to her and she was crying her eyes were half open half closed. She slowly closed her eyes and fell into my arms still crying I wrapped my arms around her.She soon stopped crying. I was really scared at this point I dont know how she takes on all this drama at once. I carried her to the car and put her down in the back seat. I was pretty pissed at the time since I heard there conversation. May didn't like Aaron and then on the other hand I kept Aaron's little secret that he was cheating on her with Amber. I didn't know what to do I was so pissed. I got Cameron to move out of the drivers seat so I could drive. I called Ethan to bring the KFC back home. When we reached the house I carried her upstairs into my room and put her down on my bed I changed into a pair of shorts and stayed shirtless. I got into my bed and wrapped my arms around he she buried her head into my chest Hoping she wouldn't wake up I gave her a kiss on the for head and fell asleep.

Bianca's POV

"Umm Bianca?" Grayson questions
"BIANCA?!" he questions again

"Oh uhh yeah" I say coming back to reality

"Are you okay, do you remember anything from last night" He asks

"Did we?" I ask

"No No we didn't i'm not that dumb" He says

"Oh you mean Nate and May" I said
"Did I faint again?" I say he nods

" You're okay right" He asks

I took a moment to say something I took a look back at everything that has happened. Its my moms funeral tomorrow May and Nate are going to sabotage me. 

"I dont know" 

" We have school?" I panicked

" Yeah its okay you have time to get ready" He says calming me down

I got up and walked out of his room I saw Ethan standing outside the door. He scared me at first and then smirks at me as if something went down in there. I walk to my room and see Cameron sitting in my room on my bed. 

"Oh umm hi" I say

"Hey I was just picking out an outfit for school today dont ask me why because I dont have a reason annnnndddddddd Good Morning how are you" She says out of breath

"Umm okay are you alright you literally just went from outfit to school to secrets and then to good morning" I said 

" Sorry I'm just happy today" She says. She gave me a hug and walked past 

I was a little confused today waking up with Grayson have Ethan give me a smirk and then have Cameron talk to me in a completely different language. Was there something special today I checked the my phone. "FUXK" I curse at myself. 14 February. Its valentines day. This made me happy. I ran out the door and ran into Graysons room. He was pulling his black ripped skinny jeans on. I jumped on to him and wrapped my legs around him. 

"HAPPY VALENTINES DAY" I shout in excitement

"Happy valentines day baby" He says 

He was shirtless and my boobs were pressed up against his chest. We suddenly started to make out as he slipped his tongue in and let out a little moan I pulled away and smiled. 

"Be free at 4, i'm taking you somewhere today just me and you" I say jumping off him
"Nope be ready at 3 Im taking you out" he said and gave me a little kiss on the cheek

"No I am" I say
"Nope I am" and walks right past me

I took a shower and got changed into a grey Nike half cut hoodie and grey booty shorts with my grey yeezys. To be honest it wasn't to hot today and I was feeling great even after the incident. I got out of my room and saw Grayson standing at the end of the stairs in black ripped jeans and a black v neck shirt with a grey hoodie. I went down the stairs and stopped in front of him. 

" What happened?" I question

"Im driving you to school" He says grabbing my hand
"Okay?" I say

 OKay i'm running out of ideas... 

sorry if its boring


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