Boys, Boys, Boys

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I didn't feel like speaking to her now, she is just a sore loser. Grayson signaled me to say something, but I didn't instead I hung up and got my phone off him. 

"why did you do that for?" He asked

"I dont wanna speak to her" I said pulling into the drive way.

We both went inside we called out to Cameron a few times then we called out to Mr and Mrs Dolan. No one replied. I walked into Ethans room no one was there I told Grayson to check his parents room while I went to Cameron's room. I slowly opened the door and saw Cameron in the corner crying into her knees. I closed the door and call out to Grayson. 

"what happened?" he whispers

"She's crying" I whispered back

"Go check on her" He whispers
"I'm scared" I said

"I'll be standing here the whole time" he said cupping my cheeks

I walk in and shut the door behind me. I said her name a few times but all she did is mumble something. I went up to her and sat down next to hear against the wall. I swung my arm around her but she shook me off. 
"what happened Cam" I said, she got up furiously
"You happened, stop stealing my man you little bitch" She yelled"
"What you mean, I didn't steal Kaden off you" I yelled back, she pulls out her phone and shows me that video Kaden had of me grinding on him.
"that was five months ago when we dated" I said confused
"Liar!, get the fuck out of my room, wait how about you get the fuck out of my house" She shouted pushing me against the wall.
"you're lucky my mom is letting you stay here"
"I ain't a liar, if you want proof then I will give proof" I said pulling out my phone I gave her my phone to look at the texts from this morning.
"It's true Cam, Bianca didn't steal him!!" Grayson yelled walking in. Cameron looked through the texts, before she went through other stuff I got my phone off her and went to my room crying. I was so pissed off at her for saying that I stole him. Why the fuck would I steal him from you after he brutally raped me. 

Grayson's POV**

"Holy shit" Cameron cursed
"It wasnt her, I was watching her text Kaden with anger" I shouted
"All the shit I said to her, fuck I should have known" she curses again

"I gotta talk to her now stay here, we need to talk after" I said. 

I went to her door and knocked on the door. I tried opening it but it was locked. I knocked again. Now I was worried. 

Bianca's POV**
 I was so stressed I was losing everyone I loved except for Grayson. I feel like I'm going to lose him to. I was sobbing on my bed until I heard knocking on my door. I didn't say anything because  I was pissed. I made the decision that I was now going to buy my own house. I had heaps of money. I could do anything but then I felt like it wasn't worth it. He knocked again. I opened the door wiping my tears away. 
"what do you want Grayson" 
"You okay" He said pulling me close to his chest
"I just feel like I'm losing all my loved ones" I said sobbing
"I'm still here for you, I'll never leave you, to be honest you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, who ever gets to call you their girl will probably be the luckiest man on earth, You're beautiful no matter what" He said, I was so surprised I didnt know how to react. I gave him a kiss on the cheek 
"Thanks Grays, you've always been there for me" I said digging my head into his chest.

"Well Cameron wants to talk to you, meet me in my room when your done" He said 

I went to her room and slowly opened the door. I saw her sitting on the bed. I walked in and saw Kaden walk out of the bathroom in her room. I glared at him as he put his shirt on. 
"did you want to talk to me?" I said tapping her shoulder
"Hey, look I'm sorry I should not of yelled at you like that, Grayson told me about Kaden?"

"what happened babe, what did he say about me?" Kaden interupted
'"dont call me 'babe', you've lost that privilege we are not getting married tomorrow you can grab your stuff and leave" She yelled, then Grayson walks in.

"you heard her Kaden, leave we know what you sent Bianca and I told mom and dad so dont expect them to back you up" He shouts

"Kaden that video was from when we dated which was 5 months ago get over it, find a girl you really love" I said getting serious.

"Now get out Kaden, fuck you, we're over" Cameron yelled.

"Cameron, I'm sorry" He said trying to kiss her. Cameron reacts quickly and slaps him leaving fingers on his cheek.

"Fine I'm leaving but you dont know what I'm capable of, bitch you gonna miss me" He yelled packing his last bag

"ENOUGH!" Grayson yelled he pulled him by the collar and pushed him against the wall while me and Cameron stood on the bed terrified. He threw a few punches at him that left bruises and then pushed him out the door and spat at him and then closed the door. Kaden left and Grayson was breathing heavily. I knew Cameron was upset about the fact he cheated and tried to play her. I went down to Grayson who's hand was bleeding.

I was scared to go up to him but went up anyway. I pulled him close to me and put my arms around him he was still breathing heavily and I could feel him breathing against my neck. I rubbed his back and took a look at his hand which was covered in blood.We went into the bathroom and I got Grayson to sit on the toilet seat while I pulled out some anti-septic wipes. A few minutes had gone by but the blood was still there it was dried up and little but a time it would flow down his knuckles.

"Hey Bi, Can you give me a blowjob" Grayson said 

Hey bitches what do you think???

sorry for the late upload I have been a little busy with school and family shit. 
VOTE plzzzz I only have three so depressing

Trying not to sound thirsty, I'm trying to make this story interesting somehow

I know there are some horny Dolan girls out there and some holy children out there so dont get mad.


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