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The next day I wake up at 5 pm so I could get out before Ethan notices. I walk to the bathroom and do my morning routine, then I walk back out and grab the change of clothes I head left out yesterday.

 I walk to the bathroom and do my morning routine, then I walk back out and grab the change of clothes I head left out yesterday

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I jump into the shower and made sure to wash my hair. A few minutes later I came back out with a towel around my body. I smile to myself but thats when I got a message. I furrow my eye brows and then check the message. 

Marcus: was gucci fam
Manny: Ayo you're up, Imma start moving in now if you wanna come I'll see you there.
Marcus: Address?
Manny: (Sends Address)

Marcus: See ya in 20?
Manny: Yeah bye.

I switch my phone off then change I straightened my hair and did my make up. I grab my bag and get my clothes and makeup. One by one I put them all in the big truck with the help of some men. I drive myself to my new house and park in the driveway, I walk to the door to see Marcus and another guy trying to get in. I walk up to Marcus and tap his shoulder.
"omg Manny, your bitchy security wouldn't let me in" He whines
"Sorry man, whose this dude" I say looking at him then back at Marcus. 

"My brother, Darius" He smiles

After two or three hours we finally we were finished

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After two or three hours we finally we were finished. Me and Marcus flopped onto the couch since his brother had to go. 
"Thanks man" I say as he swings his arm around me, we switch on the TV. It went straight to the news channel

"Today on tootsie tooshy news, 17 year old boy Grayson Bailey Dolan was found at 6pm under the motorway bridge. It looks like he had attempted to commit suicide, 50 year old woman here has witnessed the whole thing." the lady spoke where at this point I was breaking down.
"I was driving across the bridge and the car in front of me had stopped I was waiting for him to go again. The guy left his car and walked over to the edge and then jumped I got scared and when I looked down he was bleeding like crazy, it was so traumatizing so I went down there, I checked his pulse he was alive, I rushed him to the hospital though, I dont know if he's fine or not" she spoke

With that I turned off the TV and rushed to my car, I speeded to the Hospital. I went to the front desk and got his room number. I ran down the halls going to the room 127. I see Ethan crying next to the door, he sat on the chairs with his legs folded, crying into his knees. 

"Ethan" I whisper, he got up and hugged me his tears drenched my top but I didnt care. I was in tears as well. 
"Ethan tell me what happened" He didnt reply. I then felt him crying even more. 
"H-he's d-dead" He cried. I felt my heart drop to the floor, in fact it went under ground. Ethan fainted and was lying on the ground, then a lady came and took him to the room next door. I sat down against the door crying then finally went in. There I saw a body that was covered and a monitor which told me the heart had stopped. Flat line. I sat down next to the body, and held the hand and I cried into it. 
"Im sorry Grayson, Im sorry, I love you" I yelled while crying.
"Im sorry" I whispered. I sat there in silence sobbing into his hand till I started to hear laughing. 
"What the fuck" I say to myself, thats when I see Ethan pop out, with Grayson behind him laughing.

"Grayson." I yell
"Its a fucking prank hoe, this is why you dont cheat on me in the first place" Grayson says mocking me. I stood there in silence I gave him a piercing look. I went closer and closer till I was right in his face. 3....2.....1. I slapped him back hand across the face with both hands and then lifted my knee to hit his balls. He fell to the ground as in for Ethan I just shook my head in disbelief.  I then kicked Grayson int he stomach till I was satisfied. I cried even more messing up my mascara. 
" I said I was fucking sorry fuck face" I yell then left the room. 

At the front of the hospital I saw Marcus standing near the car, I was still crying. He came running up to me embracing me in a hug. I cry into his shoulder. 
"Ssshh, its okay" He whispers rubbing my back
"Its not okay Marcus" I cry
"Lets go home" He said leading me too the car, I see Grayson limp outside with a glare and then smirked at me murderously sending shivers down my spine.He then held up his index finger and with the other hand he made a hole. Putting the finger through the hole he smirked at me. 

Me and Marcus were at home now, he was kind enough to stay and keep me company but I told him it was okay and that he could go home. He came back in with my coffee and then gave me a kiss on the forehead. 

"Thanks Marcus, i'm sorry you had to go through that" I say taking a sip of my coffee.
"Its okay, call me if you need anything, I should go home now" He smiles.
"Bye M" I smile and he left he then came back in again. 
"Umm one more thing" He says.
"Yeah?" I smile.

"Will you go on a date with me tomorrow?" He blushes standing at the door.
"of course" I smile,he smiles back, we say our goodbyes and then he leaves

I've been in bed all day thinking about Grayson. I came to notice how hungry I was so I got up. I got dressed into white ripped jeans, a black strapless tank top with a denim jean jacket on top since it was a little chilly. I smile while looking at myself in a mirror. I looked decent. Then walked out like nothing happened today. Honestly I didnt know where to go for a feast so I just decided to go get pizza. It was 7 pm. I decided to  walk since it wasn't as dark outside. I put in my head phones and listen to "No competition" by Dynamite Dylan. Soon I was there I walked into the pizza place and sat down at a table. I've never been here alone, im usually with Grayson, Ethan or any friend of mine. 

I take my headphones off and wait for someone to take my order. I sat there patiently and wait. Finally the waiter came and took my order. 
"Hello Ma'am how are you today?" He smiles.
"Terrible, but can I get a apricot chicken please" I sigh just looking down.
"I'm sorry ma'am, but sure I'll be right back" He replies.
"Nice lip ring by the way" I compliment pointing at his lips.

I've been a little busy and it gets hard
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Peace doodes

Love you guys 

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