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She looked back at me before she went out the door, I poke the finger at her and gave her the "get yo broke ass fidget spinner outta here" look. She glared at me and slammed the door shut and came back inside and started making out with Grayson. A few minutes everyone was on their phones other or talking to other until someone knocked on the door"I got it" I yelled. I got up and opened the door and saw Ethan standing there. I smiled and let him in, he looked at me confused and said "what are you doing there"

"I was here to meet Jack we all are going for lunch soon" I said he nodded.

We all sat back down on the couch while we watched Fifty shades of grey. I got bored of the movie and pulled my phone out while everyone was still watching the movie and saw a text from Cameron. 

CAM: hey where r u, do u know where grayson and ethan are?
ME: me grayson and ethan are at jacks house and then we gonna go hangout after lunch I will be back at 5 or 6, Idk about gray and eth
CAM:okay cool
ME: yeah bye now
CAM: Bye 

I looked at another notification on my phone from jack who was two meters away from me 


JACK: Hey this movie is boring..
ME: Ikr why text me when your only a meter away
JACK: Coz I dont wanna disturb anyone else while talking 
ME: So ur gonna text??
JACK: well yeah.. do u wanna get outta here for lunch I'm starving 
ME: yeah sure I wouldn't mind some alone time with you
ME: The last time we met was like 7 years ago or something
JACK: IKR i missed you
ME: I missed you too 

I shut my phone and felt a warm breath at the back of my neck I looked up and saw grayson leaning over my shoulder. "were you reading my texts " I whispered raising an eyebrow. "Yeah" he said with a frown on his face. He tried to kiss my neck but I pushed him away he tried again but then I squeezed his nipple so he would stay away because I was so mad at him. I got up and went up to Jack and sat next to him leaving grayson on the other side of the couch. I sat down and swung my arm around jacks neck and watch the movie that was still playing. A sex scenes comes on and suddenly everyone starts moving around in their seat and I'm just sitting there like "Immature".I started to rub Jack's inner thigh, I saw Grayson glare at me from the other end and then I saw a text notification on my phone. I opened it up to see it was from grayson. 

Gray: why do u do this to me
Me: what do u mean?
Gray: Tryna make me jealous
Me: do u want me to be honest
Gray: Yes plz
me: It hurt me to see you with messy sex hair and my half naked best friend next to you.
Gray: oh
Me: you ignored my calls and texts, grayson tell me whats wrong ever since those messages from Nate you have been ignoring me.. what did the message say anyway you never showed me or told me you just blocked him. FUCK YOU AND MAY everything in my life has gone wrong. Talk to me when your ready to explain
Gray: fine 

 I grabbed jacks hand and pulled him outside so we could talk, I was so hurt this week has been the worst as I started to remember all the bad things that happened. My eyes got watery I shut the door behind us holding on to his wrist tightly


"Where are u taking me!!, Cameron what is wrong with you" I said
" Lets hang out, just me and you at the carnival" she said wiping away her tears
" Why are u crying" I said
" forget it jack i wanna hang out with you, plz JACCCKK" she whined
"fine lets go"
We got into her car and drove off to the  carnival. She looked a little sad but I didn't say anything we got off the car. She gently brushed her hand against mine that sent a chill up and down my body. We first walked to the roller coaster and waited in line

"I know your tryna make Grayson jelly" I said pulling my hand away
" yeah, is that why you kissed me back" She said
"yeah I saw the look on your face when you saw his messy sex hair" I said laughing


Cameron sat down in the car feeling much better it was 4.00 pm she dropped me off at my house and left.

Cameron's POV

I dropped Jack off and left, I was feeling so weak and hurt. I called Hannah and told her everything and went to her house. I opened the door to see her standing there I felt so weak I couldn't stand so I fell into her arms. I let all my tears out for my Mother, Grayson, Brother, Ethan, Jack and May. I didnt know what to do I finally got over it and stood up with a serious look on ym face.

"Okay, your boyfriend cheated on you right" I said
"yeah" she said as her eyes got watery
" dont cry we gonna have some fun we gonna go and fuck some hot guys out there" I said raising an eyebrow at her
"idk I dont wanna I can come with you if you want"

I got up and searched through her closet until I found the right dress..

I put the dress on while Hannah put on a simple white Adidas shirt, booty shorts and white converses

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I put the dress on while Hannah put on a simple white Adidas shirt, booty shorts and white converses. I put on my liquid foundation and put on my creamy white eye shadow with some fake lashes. I put on some black spiky heels that we 4 inches tall and we sat in my car and went to LA's most littiest club. I got into the drivers seat and drove off. When we got to the club we entered and sat down at the bar, I looked at Hannah and saw her staring at a guy. I put my hand on her shoulder and said "go for it, forget about your ex" she walked towards him and sat down while I was sitting at the bar. I had a shot of vodka and saw a tall, muscular guy standing not too far from me but the way he looked at me disgusts me, I pointed the finger at him and yelled " FUCKIN CREEP". I looked at my friend who was grinding on a group of boys I let out a giggle them a few minutes later I had a few more shots. I felt huge muscular arms wrap around me I felt so dizzy I turned around to see a guy who looked a little like Grayson but I wasn't sure if it was him or not I was so fucking confused I fainted.

 Well that was it

sorry for a late upload I have been busy 

LOL staurday and sundays I might chapter spam

See ya ma duuudddeessss

Plx vote for this you dont know how much it will mean to me this is my first book and I find it hard to write.YOU GUYS ARE EVERYTHINGG!!!!!

Love yall


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