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I woke up to feel Grayson pressed up against my body. I smile as I slowly turned around to face him. His mouth was slightly parted letting out cute little snores. I giggle. As he shuffles around and then jolts up. Breathing he looks at me as he had tears in his eyes. He held his head in pain as I look at him in fear. 
"It was a dream" he cries
"What happened?" I ask as I got up and sat in his lap.I wipe his tears away 
"I-I Had this dream and you were and there was this guy and he forced you to give him a lap dance and then and you got drunk and were grinding on him" He breaths calming down.
"Was he hot?" I softly giggle, he sends me a glare.As he lies back down again
"I was joking baby, calm down" I say as I wrapped my leg around his torso. He nods as his eyes slowly start to close thats when it hit me. Last night
"Grayson?" I question softly, he lifts his head and smiles.
"Remember we had a party yesterday?'he nods', well I saw a girl grinding on you but you were drunk, and you even kissed her" I claim looking down. I prevent the tears from coming out, but one managed to slip down. He wiped it away.

"Baby Im sorry, I didnt know what I was doing, I dont know if it was the drunk me and -" 
"Its okay Grayson, its fine honestly" I smile. 
"Wait what?" he says

"Its okay" I smile again, he sighs 
"This is one of the million reasons I love you" He smile as he leans in.
"What happened?" he pouts
"You and I both know, we have morning breath, well technically afternoon breath its 2" I giggle. He whines and gets up.
"Babe, my head hurts, would you mind getting me some pain killers?" He asks walking over to my bathroom.
"Sure" I smile heading down stairs. I check the cabinets and took a pill out of a little container that I assumed was painkiller. I run upstairs with a glass of water and the pills in my hand. 
"The pills are on the table" I yell running down stairs again to put the stuff back in the cabinet. I grab the little container it came out of and read the note on it. dont touch these they are horny pills ~Ethan~
"Oh my fucking god" I yell, quickly shoving the stuff in the cabinet. I run up the stair cases again. I run into my room and see Grayson sitting naked on my bed pumping his dick up and down. 
"Holy shit" He moans, as I watch him have the time of his life.
"Just in time princess, come to daddy" He smirks, signaling me to come over to him
"You're not gonna listen to daddy are you" He seductively says smirking at me. As he walks over to me. He runs his fingers through my hair. He bit his lip which turned me on. I push him away and walk to the bathroom. I quickly brush my teeth. I walk back out hoping the pill would stop making him all horny. But no, not at all. I see him still pumping his dick. 
"my fucking sheets dawg" I mumble. He jumps up as he make his way towards me. He gently sucked on my neck letting moans escape my mouth.
"fuck" I mumble throwing my head back. 

As he pushes me on to my bed. Hovering over me he rips my clothes off revealing nothing but my underwear. As he slowly rubs my underwear. I sit up as he sat in between my legs still rubbing me. Sucking on his neck gently leaving hickeys on his collar bone. I moan between my kisses as I flip us over. So that now im on top. He rips my underwear off. As I slid his Calvin Kleins down. As his dick slapped his stomach. As I pumped him up and down while he rubbed me. Leaving us in 69. Moans filled the room, till we got to the real deal. We flipped over again so now we were doggy style. As he thrusts me faster. Moans filled the room as he went deeper and faster.  But bruh dick game strong dawg the door opened and we saw Ethan standing at the door,
"Holy shit" He says. We both froze as he smirked. He was only wearing joggers. He slips them off. My eyes were widened by what he was trying to. Was I about to have a fucking threesome. Cant be that bad right? He walked over as Grayson kept going he thrusted in me deeper hitting my g spot. It felt great. Ethan shoved his dick in my mouth. 
"Daddy- ughh" I moan
"Almost there p-princess" He moans 
"Im about to"
"GO for it" They both yell. We all release together and know it was two holes two dicks. Both of them were unbelievably big and strong. Minutes later we were all lying there Ethan went back to his room. I could barely get up. But I had the courage to shower. Grayson had fell asleep on my bed again. I got changed into a black pair of leggings and an over sized Dobre hoodie. My legs hurt so bad. But I managed to make my way down the stairs, I saw Ethan sitting on the couch crying. 
"OMG ethan why are you crying?" I yell trying to run over to him
"Nick Minaj just followed me on Instagram and, and she D-D M me" He cries in between his words. I giggle.
"Ethan, Dont worry, just act cool and message her back" I reply after all of his cries

He finally mans up and replies and their conversation is pretty well, I had Sky bring lunch over for us and we all ate. I noticed that Grayson wasn't up yet. I go up to my room until I here familiar sounds,
"Get out of my house slut" 
"No Grayson, you know you love me" 
"Maybe I dont anymore"

"Yes you do cupcake, why are you naked then"
"Oh fuck" 

I knew exactly what was going on, and I knew who this bitch was trying to seduce my baby.I swing the door open to see Amber trying to climb on top of Grayson. 
"Get the fuck out slut!" I yell

"You gonna regret that as well bitch" i say and slap her across the face. I push her out of the house and kick her in the ass. 

"Crossed the limits Robson" she yells
"Im beyond the limits flat ass" I yell back. 

I run to Grayson sitting there in disappointment. 
"Look Im sor-" I cut him off by kissing him
"Its okay, go shower Sky bought lunch for us." I smile placing a kiss on the cheek

I hope you likes this chapter

I tried


Thank you guys so much, I have 1.7k reads I really appreciate that. Yall mean so much to me. I honestly might do a Q and A soon so stay tuned....

 I honestly might do a Q and A soon so stay tuned

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This is me by the way...i know im ugly

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