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After Lunch, me and Grayson snuggled in bed after I told him about the pill. But when it came to Ethan. I didnt know if I should tell him or not
"Ethan was in it too" I giggle as his face turns into a very serious one. 
"Grayson" I whisper
"You had sex with Ethan?" He yells
"It was a threesome and not my fault he was horny and so were you" I yell back
"You're my girlfriend and only mine no one elses!!" He yells
"Grayson stop it, you know those were pills" I shout
"At least I told you the truth" I add
"But you werent on those pills and you did it on purpose" He yells punching the lamp next to me. Thats when I noticed that I just lost the love of my life.
"We're over, fuck you" He yells pointing the finger at me he shuts the door really hard. Leaving me too cry into my knees.

2 months

Grayson has been ignoring me for about 2 months now, I've been in my room a lot. Its so awkward staying with these guys after the situation. Ethan tries to talk to me but I cut him off. Ever since I've been crying eating Ice cream and even cut twice. But it got covered  up because Ethan would barge inside. I couldn't handle being with these guys anymore. I had the money, I had the cars, I just need my house. I've searched online for a new house and found one that was great enough to be pretty close to our school. It was beautiful.

After hours and hours of finding an house

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After hours and hours of finding an house. I finally did, after all of that I went to sign papers for the house. I put on high waist black booty shorts and a light pink long sleeve tank top. I slip on my vans and sprayed myself a little. Putting my hair up in a bun, I walk down with my phone slightly showing from my pocket. I see Grayson sitting on the couch with some brunette chick. As he looks away, gets up and takes her with him. I look down until I bump into someone. Ethan.

"fuck" I mumble.
"Im sorry" He mumbles back.
"Yeah all good" I blurt out fast walking away.

I grab my keys off the counter and get into my car. I wasn't a big fan of cars, but I am getting myself a new car soon. The building appeared as I walked to the entrance a body guard stood there dressed in black. I smile at him as he holds me back. 
"We need to check you first Ma'am" He says in a deep voice, they scan me for all those metal and deadly weapons that I couldn't even care to think about.  I was finally in. I was signing papers. As I slid that paper towards the lady she smiled and shook my hand. 
"When would you like to move?" She smiles.
"This week" I smile 
"Okay then you can move in tomorrow with you're stuff and then we well have people bring in the furniture that you ordered." She says organizing the files on her desk.
"Okay" I reply softly. She gives me her card so if I needed help I could call her.

Im back "home" now and im packing my clothes, shoes, make up, hair products, and what not. I see Grayson walk in and pin me against the wall.
"What was that about" He yells
"I didnt do shit Grayson" I yell back kicking him in the balls making him crouch down holding on to the.
"All I did was walk past" I spat at him 
"What're you doing, why do you have all these boxes full of your clothing and shit" He asks
"Because im moving" I yell
"Oh" He replies softly and walks away.

I left out a spare change of clothes for tomorrow and put the boxes aside. I sigh and flop onto my  bed. I knew it was my fault and all,but part of me cant live without Grayson. Maybe I'll have to move on. I was getting hungry, so I asked Hannah to bring me something to eat and maybe we could hang out. I heard someone knock on my door after twenty minutes or so. 
"Come in unless your Grayson, GET THE FUCK OUT" i say yelling at the end. The door open and I see Hannah and her brother standing at the door. 
"Girl, get up and get changed we going to the carnival" Matt says trying to pull me up. I giggle and give him a hug.
"Where is my food" I whine.
"We getting it from there" Hannah replies
"Fine lets go" we walk down stairs and link arms with each other. We hear yelling from a room as I told them to wait for me in the car. I walk down the hall and upstairs and put my ear next to Graysons door.

"Im breaking up with you" 
"Grayson are you serious?"
"Yes, im fucking serious"
"Its because of that Bianca bitch right?"
"Maybe, maybe not Ari, get the fuck out its over" 
"Fuck you" I hear footsteps to the door as I pretend to act like Im going to my room. She walks past me with a glare and slams the front door hard. I walk into Graysons room as I see him sitting on his bed sniffling into the pillow.

"OH MY FUCKING GOSH JUST LEAVE ARI-" he stops and wipes his tears away.
"what do you want Bi" he softly whispers.
"you okay" I ask with my head down.
"Yes im fucking fine" he replies digging his head into his pillow

"Grayson I said I was sorry" I whine
"For what? Bianca, for breaking my heart by having sex with my brother" He yells.

I walk outside and then calm myself down.
"Lets go" I fake smile.
The car ride both Hannah and Matthew jammed out while I sat at the back slightly depressed. Matthew parks the car and after paying for tickets we walk inside. Me and Hannah went over to the roller coaster while Matt went to the candyfloss.

Its been an hour and me and Hannah have had the best time yet. Hannah wanted to go to the tea cups that went fast as hell so we did. Unfortunately we couldn't sit together. She was with a little boy who sat close to her. I was with this really cute guy who just sat in front of me just staring at me.
"Hey" I smile.
"Hi" he replies. blinking a few times.
"Im Bianca, you are?" I say putting my hand out for him to shake.
"Marcus" He smiles shaking it.
"Nice name" as the ride was a bout to start I flinch and move closer to him.
"Hey, hey, hey. Dont worry, I got chu" He says putting an arm around me. I shut my eyes till I felt a hand on my hip.

"its okay Bianca, you'll be fine" He says holding me.
"Thanks Marcus" I smile. The ride was over and me and Marcus spent the rest of the night together. I told Hannah to stick around with Matt. She understood me. Me and Marcus also exchanged numbers. Hannah and Matt had went home so it was only me and Marcus. I was going to catch an uber till he offered.

He stops near the driveway and opens the door for me

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He stops near the driveway and opens the door for me. I giggle at his politeness and then give him a hug. We just stood in front of the door smiling at each other as he smirks at me. We leaned against the door as I stood there and smiled. He tucks a strand of my hair behind my hair and slowly leans in. I lean in as well and then our lips connected. His hand gently stroked my cheek bones, my hands were also placed on his cheek bones. He pulls away and awkwardly smiles.
"Will I see you tomorrow" he asks.
"Imma be busy, im moving houses" I reply with a pout.
"Can I come help?" He pleads.
"Yeah if you dont mind, imma need help." I smile.
"okay thanks." He smiles. I open the door and see Grayson standing there with Ethan they just stared at me.

"Oh wait one more thing" Marcus says running back to me. 
"Yeah what h-" he cuts me off by smashing his lips on mine again he was slow and passionate. 
"You're a good kisser" He whispers and slaps my ass. I smirk at him.



I hope you liked that chapter.
Its 12pm here. LOL

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Word count: 1436
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