Sleep talk

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Grayson's POV

She kissed back, I really missed her everything about her was just amazing, she was perfect. I couldn't believe I actually agreed to that bet, I felt so bad after that. I knew she held in her tears and believe it or not, I cried that night she screamed at me about Amber. I really missed her and I wanted her back. Not for a bet this time but because I realized I loved her. I really love her, I would die for her, I wanted her to be mine, I wanted to start a family with her this time I was serious. 

"Grayson, I dont want to go, leave!" She yells wanking her arm away from me
"Bianca I'm sorry, I just want to talk about us" I say gently holding on to her fingers. I could see her eye get watery.
"Grayson when I was on some we shit, you were on some you shit, now that i'm on some me shit, you're on some we shit, aint no body got time for that bullshit." She yells gently wiping her eyes not rubbing here make up.
"Bianca I just need to talk about my feelings please we can just go to the park, I promise you I just want to talk." I say pulling her close to my chest, I felt her tears against my shirt. But then I felt her trying to pull back so I let go. 
"Grayson.." She weeps
"I promise I just want to talk" I softly whisper loud enough for her to hear me

"Fine then" She replies, made me smile, because I really wanted this to work I really want her to be  mine again, she made me feel like me, And I just made her feel like crap and broke her heart.
"Let me just grab my phone" She whispers
"All right" I say.

Bianca's POV

I really didn't want to go but part of me wanted to be with me, I decided to sort this out after all. I didn't want to be in a state where we are just enemies. I run upstairs and grab my phone and when I came down I saw Grayson standing at the door smiling like an idiot. I smile back slightly in a good mood. We walk to the park which wasn't as far as I thought. We sat on the benches under a hug blossom tree. We sat there awkwardly in silence. 
"Okay look about that bet, Im sorry I dont know what I was thinking I just was confused why you didnt want me like all the other girls. the part where I said I love you, I really meant it, I miss you" he explains, my heart slowed down with my mind focused only on one thing. 
"No not this shit again, Grayson your gonna end up hurting me and you know that, at one point I did love you not anymore, you really hurt me after that and I dont wanna go back" I shout and angrily walking away. 
"No Bianca come back, let me take you home at least" He yells running after me
"I'll get an uber" I yell back

The uber drove to Hannah's house and left. I knock on the door to see her brother. Her brother Mathew (Espinoza). 
"OMG Matt?" I squeal, hugging him
"Hi Bianca, omg you're all grown up and so pretty" he says tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.
"Thanks" I say blushing a little
"Is Hannah here?"I ask 
'Yeah she's upstairs, she's a little sad and wont tell me why" He replies

I walk upstairs to see Hannah on her bed crying in her knees. I run upto here and gave her a hug wondering why she could be so sad.
"MATT I SAID LEAVE ME ALO-' She yells ans smiles still dripping tears when she sees me
"OMG B, " She cries .

We talk about why she was so sad. We ended up knowing that we were both in a similar situation. Jack had cheated on her and Grayson had a bet on me then cheated on me. I look down at the floor avoiding eye contact, feeling shitty.

"you know what, we aint gonna sit here and cry, lets go to the club" She says pulling me.
"I dont know" I shrug
"Its better than sitting here depressed" she states
"Fine" I sigh
"Pick me up in a hour" I say walking out the door.

"Hey B, what happened to Hannah?" Matt asks running up to me while I stood there in the drive way.
"Maybe you should ask her" I say
"Oh okay, I like your top its adorable" He says making me blush
"Thanks, I gotta go now, maybe we can hang out later or something' I say walking down to the bus stop

Skip trip

I walk back inside to see the twins, sitting on the couch. Ethan was sleeping and Grayson was sitting there with his head in his hands, He shoots a look at me and walks up the stair case aggressively. I knew Diego and Cameron had left so I sat around in the living room  with a snoring Ethan and a Bitchy Grayson. I take my phone out to take a cute photo of Ethan sleeping. He shuffles around a bit and starts mumbling some shit, I couldn't really understand. Until he started to moan. I quickly pull out my phone 
"Bianca Stop teasing" He moans
"Its not Ethan, its daddy" He moans again, I sat there laughing my ass off, I saw Grayson rushing downstairs. I signal him to shush. 

"Baby Girl, why you so tight" He moans turning around on the couch
"I think Im gonna cum" He yells, I saw him tensing in his sleep until he got a hard boner. I end the video and grab a glass of water still laughing also crying because I was laughing so hard. I tip the water all over him and he springs up breathing heavily.  He rubs his eyes and and he gives Grayson a 'whatthefuckjusthappened' look.  Grayson looks down in a sad motion and walks back upstairs
"What happened" Ethan worries as he bit his nails.
"I got it" I say handing him my phone with the video on it. His jaw dropped from the video. I got my phone off of him and started laughing my ass off again. He looks down at his boner and run upstairs holding onto his dick.

Short chapter, hope you liked it

Take me to 50 votes for another update, if you wanna know about whats gonna happen at the club.

Love you guys

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