smoke grenade

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I give Gray a confused look and then I see Viola standing there with a whip it was covered in blood.......Grayson's blood. It was a really long whip it was made of leather it had tiny nails sticking out of it. She had an army of girls, they had black lace lingerie on while Viola wore a red lace one. Behind the girls stood macho men which obviously are the guards. My eyes widen and then I move back and talk into a walkie-talkie which Ethan and Leslie were connected too.
"send in back up.Right now."
"Why th-"
"Just send in back up and tell them to enter from the back" I whisper loudly into the mic

I look back Viola slowly walked towards Grayson whose head was hanging down low. My heart broke a little as soon as she got closer. She bent down in front of him showing her paper flat ass off. He was looking down not looking up at her ass. She forcefully pulled his head up.
"They're coming in" I heard the walkie-talkie speak I look behind me and people came in with pistols and rifles. I bring my finger to my lips signaling them to stay quiet. They all nod and I slowly walk forward.

I continue to watch Viola. Viola slowly brought her hand down to Grayson's crotch and rubbed him. She brought her face closer to his and bite his lip he moves his head furiously. I lost it and shot her in the leg and threw in a smoke grenade and then I threw in another one. All my guards went running in. I ran in after them and got to Grayson I got him out and took him back to where I was hiding. There was shooting as long as the smoke was there. Then all the gunshots were gone....wasn't a single sound. the smoke cleared and people were lying on the ground. Wounded terribly. All my men were safe except for a few. I look around and see Viola still on the ground her legs had more shots in them and she was bleeding from many places. Her lingerie now didn't stand out anymore. I tell Leslie to grab Viola and take her back to my place. All my men clean up and leave. Leslie leaves with the girl and now it was me, Grayson and Ethan. Ethan came running in and saw Grayson wounded terribly. There was hurt in Grayson eyes and Ethan's eyes. I walk away slowly giving them their brotherly moment. I walk over to the setting this crime scene took place in and look around. I sigh until I heard them say my name. I turn around and see Gray start bleeding anymore.

"Ethan....take him to the hospital please," I say looking into Grayson eyes that were full of tears
"It'll be alright baby.." I say as my voice cracked. He cracked a small smile I smile back and touch his cheek softly he winces and my move my hand ack hesitantly.

"Sorry" I whisper and then look at Ethan and nod. He leaves with Gray in his car.

After they leave I call Leslie
Leslie: Yeah?
Me: Are you at my house yet?
Leslie: Yeah she unconscious.

Me: don't let her die.

Leslie: what do you me-
Leslie: Its not a good idea Bianca
Me: Leslie....just do what I told you.
Leslie: Okay...
Me: I'll be there soon.
**ends call**

I get home and see Leslie on the couch. I raise an eyebrow at him and he does the same.
"thank you can leave now" I smile at him. He gets up and goes. I then go around and close all doors and windows and their curtains. I go upstairs and then lock all the other windows and then walk down the far hall which was one of the rooms Viola was in.

I sigh in somewhat anger and then open the door slightly.

Friends with benefits(Grayson Bailey Dolan)Where stories live. Discover now