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I knock on her door with hope and stand there patiently looking down at my phone. I heard the door open and then look up to see her. She stood there in a over sized hoodie and nothing else other than socks. She smiles. I smile back and then she finally spoke
"Ethan's fucking again?" She questions as she lifts an eye brow leaning against the door ledge. I nod letting out a little laugh as she moves to a side for me to come in. I walk in and then wait for her to shut the door. 
"So what you wanna do I'm pretty bored" Bianca says as she sits down next to me peeking over my shoulder looking at my phone.
"Stop being nosy" I laugh as I put my phone in my pocket of my denim shorts.
"Aye aye aye, this is my house dont disrespect me in my own house" She snaps, I look at her crazily. Shook that she snapped at me like that. Then she started laughing then wrapped her arms around me pressing my boobs against my chest. 
"Im kidding Gray" She says as she continues to laugh her ass off. I laugh and then playfully punch her arm.
"I have an idea get dressed and meet me outside in ten minutes" I smile as I get up. 
"Where are we going?" She questions jumping up on to feet. 
"Just go get dressed Manny" I laugh and then walk out the door.

Bianca's POV

He told me too get dressed and suddenly a felt a wave of excitement overcome me. I jump up and then question him "where". He told em too get dressed and walked out the door. I jump around and squeal for a few seconds. Then walk upstairs to get dressed. I quickly strip and then get changed into something cute.

 I quickly strip and then get changed into something cute

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I put on my leather jacket and then do my makeup. It took me at least 10 minutes. I then brushed my hair out and leave it out naturally. I quickly spin around on my one foot and then smile to myself. I look in the mirror touching up my hair. As I see Grayson peeking through the door. I smile and then act like he's not there. Then I see him bite his lip as I see him looking at my ass. I turn and see Grayson stumble back blushing like crazy. I smile at him and then walk over to him.  
"take a picture it'll last longer" I smirk.
"Damn" I hear him mumble nuder his breath.
"Lets go now" I squeal as I run down the stairs.
"Chill Bi, You might fall" He says as I watch him walk down stairs.
"Okay daddy" I complain like a little child. I then listen to myself saying that again.
"Oh fuck!" I yell. He looks at me with rosy red cheeks. I blush looking down.
"I didnt mean that way...Umm.." I say conclusion to what happened 4 seconds ago. He smiles.
"Sarcasm gone wrong" He says, as I scrunch my eyebrows in cringe
"Please dont ever do that ever.......ever" I say with the most borderline look on my face.

"Shut the fuck up" he laughs as I follow him outside. I giggle and then grab my phone off the counter. 

||Skip car ride||

The car ride was somewhat active. We had small talks about ourselves and laughed about stupid jokes we made about Ethan. I enjoyed the moment. Too see him smile and laugh at my jokes. It felt good. His giggles were so adorable I just wanted to kiss him. But he only wants to be friends, which I respect but it hurts that he doesn't feel the same about me. I felt someone shaking me.
"EARTH TO BIANCA" I hear, I snap out of my thought and then look up and see Grayson.
"Haha sorry was thinking" I say shuffling back in my seat
"About what?" He says looking back at the road.
"Someone." I mumble.

"who?" He questioned.
"Stop being nosy" I laugh

Grayson's POV

She looked so hot it that outfit it kills me that I cant kiss her right now. The truth was I had nothing planned. I just wanted to go and sit some where I was alone with her. Its all I wanted. Her smile was all I wanted to see. (sorry for the cheesy shit)

I pull up and I could see a smile on her face already. I took her too one of the spots I would go to when I was 13. I'd go here if I wanted to be alone, wanted to cry, wanted to talk to someone. This was one of those places I would go. It had a cute little pond right under these mountains. From the mountain tops you could see the whole city light up at night.

I look at Bianca and then get out and open the door for her. I smile at her and she blushes. I blush to see her blush. Maybe she does like me...I do love her...I cant live without her. 

"Umm...Gray?" She called again. I snap out of it and then look at her. 

"Sorry" I laugh and then close the door and lock my car and follow her.

We stop at one of the benches, we sit down next to each other smiling. I sit back and swing my arm over her shoulder pulling her closer to me. She looks up at me and then blushes looking down.  I heard her whisper something but I couldnt really tell what it was.

"hmm?" I question
"What?" She says looking up
"I know I heard you say something Bianca" I smile looking into her eyes.
"Oh. it was nothing trust me" She smiles as she shuffled around getting comfortable in my arms. I smile and then she rests her head on my shoulder which gave me intense butterflies. I then take the privilege to rest my head on her head. 

We stayed there enjoying the view making small talk till she said something that changed my whole life.

Cliff hanger!!!!!!Manny was here!! see ya

Merry Christmas everyone and happy new year guys!! love you <3

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