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I slice her thigh as I hear her screams, I do it again with the knife I had. I did it again and again while her screams get higher. The blood kept running out of her thighs. I glare at her. She screams as tears were running down her face, fucking up her mascara.She still had her lingerie on. I put the knife down on the table and then crouch down at her level. I touch her cuts and press them. She yells then screams and tries to moves. I grab her neck.

"If I hear another scream I'm bringing out the taser honey," I say seriously and I press my fingers against her lips. I press her cuts deeply. She wincing and tears ran down her cheeks even more. I pressed even deeper and she let out a scream. I grab the taser and tase her arms. She flinches and yells at me.

I tase her again on the cuts. Once...twice.

....three times. Her screams filled the rooms and I laugh evilly. I slap her hard across the face. She cries and looks down and curses at herself.

"bad decisions sweetie...bad're fault," I tell her as I sat down in the chair in front of her. I look her in the eyes. crazy bitch...

Graysons POV

Its been a few days, Bianca has been gone and hasn't come back. She texted me a few times telling me she was taking care of Viola. I was scared something bad might happen. Ethan told me about her being somewhat of a cop. I sit around waiting for her since she told me to meet at the airport. I was surprised because she never told me she went overseas.

I smile walking into the airport. I step in and see Bianca already out, I smile big as I start to tear up at the sight. I miss her so much. She came running at me and pushed me down with a hug, people were looking but I needed this moment. I give her a big MWAH on the cheek and then hold her against my chest enjoying it for a few seconds. She smiles and places a small kiss on my lips.

We got into the car after we got all of Bianca's luggage. She sat in front next to me smiling throwing her head back. She puts her hand on mine and smiles even bigger at me which warmed my heart. I softly picked up her hand which was firmly on her thigh and gave her a small mwah on it. She blushes and I start driving with her hand still in mine. We drive past Walmart and then Bianca speaks up.
"I'm hungry, down for some Dunkin donuts?" She smiles turning towards me and smiling. I look at her pleading eyes and nod. 
"Sure" I smile as I turn left towards the street the building was made. I see her eyes lit up when she sees the sign. I let out a little laugh and then park in there parking lot. I get out of the car and she does too. I walk up to her and pulls her close and whisper
"You're so beautiful, I fucking love you so much, I'm not losing you again" I smile giving her another big MWAH on her cheek

"Stop it" She blushes and pushes me away, I laugh and we walk in.

A few minutes later we come back out with 16 donuts each so we could save some for later. I place the donuts on her lap and then start driving again.I pull into the driveway of my house and get out. I smile at her as she walked over to the door. 

"I'm tired," She says stretching out the "I". 
"Then I'll take you to bed," I say giving her a mwah on the cheek. I unlock the door finally and pick her up as she leaned against the door.
"You've been working out?" I feel her smirk against my neck. 

"Yeah, I have," I say blushing.

I open the door to my room and then lay her down on the bed. She takes her shirt off, leaving her in her bra. I smile and take my shirt off. I walk into my bathroom washing my hands and brushing my teeth. It was 6 in the morning still. I smile at myself as I spent a few more minutes in the bathroom. By the time I went back at Bianca was peacefully sleeping curled up in a ball, she didn't cover herself. She looked cold. Her hair fell down to her face and she looked like she was smiling while she was sleeping. I smile and look at her in awe. I slowly lie down next to her, I wrap my arms around her and move closer to her. She shuffles and turns around and faces me getting closer to my chest. To a point where she was almost lying on top of me. I slightly blush as her lips firmly pecked my chest and then she opened her eyes and looked at me. I kissed her forehead and she smiles. 
"get some sleep you look tired" I whisper playing with her hair. I run my hand through it and then rest my head on hers.
"Okay.." She whispers back with a smile. 
Her eyes slowly shut as I watch her fall asleep soon I start to hear light snoring. I smile and then shut my eyes knowing she's with me and will be with me when I wake up. my eyes slowly start to shut up and my body was relaxed by our body heats. I slowly drift off to sleep peacefully. No screaming, no yelling, nothing.....just me, Bianca and silence.....

heheh....New chapter Lov you guyssss

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