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I woke up in a dark empty room with spiderwebs everywhere. Everything was so blurry I could barely see, I started to get a clearer view after a few seconds and saw the shadow come closer to me closer. I closed my eyes not wanting to see who it was, I felt a warm breath on my neck. I open my eyes and felt the warm breath go away. I then saw the shadow come closer again and out of the shadow came the one and only bitch ass Nate. 

" I cant believe you came to meet me" he smiled
"you kidnapped me and tied me to a chair?" I said, he slaps me leaving a scratch down my cheek
"SHUT YO ASS UP" he yelled.

He circles me with a murderous smirk on his face. I look down and see that I was naked, I see Nate walk back into the darkness he came from and disappeared. I started to feel weak as scary thoughts went through my mind. I looked down at my chest and legs to see hickeys in between my thighs and near my boobs. I looked around to see another GUY who was naked tied up to a chair about 7 meters away from me. I didn't know who it was because his head was down and his eyes were closed. His head slowly turned towards me. My eyes filled up with tears as soon as he turned his head. 

"OMG Ethan" I screamed he blinked a couple of times slowly he couldn't speak because he had duct tape over his mouth. I saw Nate who walked over to me and put a strip of duct tape over my mouth. I looked over at Ethan to see Meredith about to rape him as she gave him a blow job.He started to untie me from the chair, I thought to my self that" this is your only chance before your raped again" as he slowly unwrapped the rope off my wrists I get up and grab the gun from his pocket. I kicked him in the dick and elbowed him making him fall onto the chair. I pointed the gun at Meredith. I had never used a gun before this is the first time I will ever shoot someone. I shot her in the knee causing her to fall back on her head. Nate got up and ran towards me I chucked the gun at Ethan's hand making him able to catch it. Nate runs up to me and tackles me to the ground and whispered "before I die, I need to taste you". Meredith gets up again and unties Ethan and shoots him in the knee and stomach and runs away. Nate quickly inserts himself and pounds in me while Ethan tried to get the gun and aim properly he kept missing. I took a moment to realize I was getting raped, I tried to push Nate off me but he was to strong so what I did was take it into my on hands I grabbed his dick and pulled it out of me and twisted it he put his head back in pleasure. Finally Ethan aims and shoots him in the spine I let go and kicked him in his abs and ran to Ethan I grabbed Nate's phone and called the cops. I cupped Ethans cheek. He was breathing loudly I couldn't help to see him in pain. I screamed at him.

"ETHAN!, stay with me " I cried
" I'm sorry" he said his eyes slowly closed

The police came and saw me naked they gave me a shirt  and took Nate away and the ambulance took Ethan away I followed them to the truck. They rushed Ethan to one of the room. I was so sore after Nate I could barely walk. I pull out Nate's phone and call Grayson

" Hey Nate"
"Its not Nate its Cameron"
" No, Grayson I need you to come to the Hospital please"
"Why do u sound worried and why"
" It's Ethan please come bye your self please and bring an extra shirt please grayson I need you now please"
"i'm coming"

Graysons POV**

I hung up and grabbed a black Nike shirt from my closet and ran downstairs. I grabbed my car keys and speeded towards the hospital. I walked in and went to the lady at the front desk. "Ethan Dolan" I yelled "room 219" she said. I ran down the hall way and stopped at the elevators. I got to the third floor and saw Cameron sitting near the room covered in hickeys, bruises, scars and blood. My heart stopped for a second I couldn't breath I saw the tears in her eyes. I ran over to her and shook her around by the shoulder she wasnt reacting at all , she slowly lifted her head towards me and looked back down again.


Sup ppl 

sorry for the short chap.. busy

love yall


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