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My eyes slowly fluttered open. I get up and look around. I could smell delicious pancakes from down stairs.I tried to get up from my bed but my legs were so sore after Ethan fucked me. I do my morning routine and walked down stairs with my weak legs with my eyes still half closed. I see Cameron in the kitchen with Diego sucking her face off. I turn around and bump into and Ethan.
"Morning E" I say
"Morning how are you" He says looking at what was happening behind me with a smile.
"Im so sore, my legs hurt, good job Ethan"I sarcastically say

"Im sorry, Princess" he says kissing me on the cheek.
"Imma go take a shower now" I say 
"Do you need help going up stairs"he smirks
"I'll be fine"I say slowly walking towards the stairs.
"CAN YOU STOP SUCKING EACH OTHERS FACES OFF NOW" I yell at Diego and Cameron giggling
"Jealous?' Diego says furrowing his eye brows, I walk back at Ethan who was standing there witnessing us. I jump on to Ethan cupping his cheeks with his hand gently placed under my ass. I pressed my lips against his passionately kissing him.I jump off and look at Diego who was awkwardly standing there.
"No jealous at all bro"I say walking up the stairs again bumping into Grayson.
"Jerk" I scoff at him walking to my room. I flop onto the bed and sigh thinking about Grayson.

I really did miss him but sometimes I cant tolerate him so I always push him aside ignoring my feelings. Then there is Ethan kind,caring,sweet, strong, beautiful and so much more other than fuck boy. I always had admired Graysons beauty. dont go back to him he is going to hurt you I thought to myself. I get up from my depressing position and wipe my little tears. 
I receive a message from Grayson
Grayson: Can we hang out today?
Grayson: I just need to talk to you please
Me: Well I dont need to 
Grayson: Please Bianca
Me: Ugh, Fine, Idk

I peek my head into my closet looking for something good to wear. I browsed for a few minutes. I feel a tap on my shoulder I turn around to see Cameron. 
"Hey Cam"I mumble looking back into my closet.
"What are you looking for" She says pulling me back
"Something to wear" I say 
"Where are you going today?" She says 
"Grayson wants to hangout today" I say sighing
"What did you want?" I ask 
"I'm just saying that me and Diego will be leaving tomorrow night" She says
"All right" I say and she walks out of my room and I continue my search for something to wear

"What are you looking for" She says pulling me back"Something to wear" I say "Where are you going today?" She says "Grayson wants to hangout today" I say sighing"What did you want?" I ask "I'm just saying that me and Diego will be leaving tomorrow...

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I placed the clothes on my bed and went straight to the shower. The warm water hit me and all of a sudden I felt someones hand on my waist. I turn around to see no one. I turned back ignoring what had just happened until I felt it again. I turn around no one. I peek through the curtains to see no one. I was a little scared but I carried on with my shower. I dry myself and then wrap the towel around me. I sat down on my bed just looking down not knowing how I felt about Grayson and Ethan. I just couldn't pick. Once again I sigh in defeat and slowly start to get changed. 

Grayson was on my mind the whole time, when I got changed, when I was doing my hair, when I was doing my make up. I was thinking about Grayson the whole time.Something about him just lit up my whole day, but I couldn't take him kissing other girls and when I found out it was a bet part of me still loved him. I still loved him and I wanted him back, but I couldn't he was probably in love with that slut. I sat there thinking for what seemed like hours.

I heard a knock on my door, I snapped out of my thoughts immediately.
"Come in" I said with a weak voice, the door slightly opens and I see Grayson standing there in some black ripped jeans with a white V neck.
"You ready to go yet" He asks looking up from his phone
"I dont feel like going anymore" I say fiddling with my fingers trying not to show off how nervous I was.
"Wait- W-what, Why?" he ask taking a few steps closer to me
"Im just not in the mood anymore" I say getting up trying to push him through the door. 
"Bianca please, I just want to hang out as normal friends again, Im sorry about the bet, I was in idiot" He pleaded, I felt the tears piling up at the back of my head. 
"Grayson, I dont want to go" I say blinking the tears away. 
"Alright lets go" He says holding my hand gently. It ssent shivers down my spine, I could feel the goose bumps but I could also feel the anger. I move my hand away immediately and tuck a piece of my hair behind my ear. I slowly rub my arms trying to make the goosebumps go away. He stopped in front of the door before we left and pressed his lips against mine, smoothly moving in sync gently bonding.

Short chapter I know, Next upload might be little interesting.
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