Mr Dolan's Lessons

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I looked up at the board watching Mr Dolan write on the board I truned off my phone and payed attention, I looked up to see Mr Dolan sweating from his back.He turned around and ran a hand through his hair.  I looked down and bit my lip. "Miss Robson" he shouted. I looked up to see Mr Dolan folding his arms and staring at me. "Yes Mr Dolan" I said nervously

"When did WW2 start and end?" He asked

"Umm.. 1938-1949 I think" I said 

"Can you tell me the exact date please" he commanded 

"Umm no.. I-I dont really know " I stuttered

"Stay after class please" he said I nodded and looked up at the board.


Mr Dolan sat at his desk while I sat at mine. I looked up at him and said " umm so why did u want me to stay" confusingly. He got up and sat on my desk he ran a hand through his hair.

"why didnt you know the answer sweetheart?" he asked seductively

"Umm because I forgot" I said

"you have been a bad girl, ya know " he noted, I looked up and him and said...

" I know Mr Dolan, Punish me?" I said

He got off the desk and walked around me in circles, I felt something wet on my neck seeing that it was Mr Dolan. I let out a small moan, I some how managed to get my hands down his pants stoking the tip of his member causing him to suck my neck even harder leaving a hickey there. "JUMP!" he said, I obeyed, He placed me on to his desk. He pulled down his pants, letting his big member stick out. He pulled down my panties unknowingly forcing his two fingers in. He quickly pulls out a condom from his desk and rips open the foil. I then slowly felt pounding in my body, he started going faster and faster not wanting to stop. He pulled out his member and smashed his lips on to mine. I wanted this but then grayson came in mind. I pulled away slowly we then put our clothes on. 

"Umm Mr dolan?, i have been meaning to ask you something" I said softly 

"Umm.. yeah sure, whats up?" he said willingly

"are u related to grayson dolan" i asked, i saw him look at me confused

"uhhh yeah he is my brother why u ask?" he  said nervously

"oh shiiiiitttt, i gotta go Mr Dolan" 

"wait i just want to let you know i signed you up for a running competition for girls you need to meet me tomorrow for your first training lesson, I will tell you all dates and times there" he said I nodded

I went straight through the door. I was so scared and didnt know what to do, ethan was my teacher and it would be wrong if I fell in love with him but the grayson is the hottest boy in school but he is a bad boy I dont know whether he likes me or not.I texted grayson and asked him if we could talk later on today...


me: can we meet up today I need to talk to you

gray: yeah sure, are u ok u seem a little worried

me: yeah i am that why I need to talk to you

me: so meet me in the cafeteria at 12.30

gray: umm yeah see ya in 30 minutes 

me: bye

Mays POV

Cameron was suppose to meet me here 5 minutes ago I texted her to see if she was coming or not. 

me: Are u coming or naw

Cam: yeah im on my way see ya

I stood there waitng for her. I saw Nate coming towards me I walked towards him giving him a hug. "Are u sure your ready to confess babe" I asked

"yup i just dont want to hide it from her" he said smiling

He then smashed his lips on to mine causing us to make out

Camerons POV

I walked on to the field scrolling through my instagram. I looked through Graysons instagram seeing my self at the gym while I was doing squats as he zoomed into it. I wasnt mad, I was laughing that he did that. I looked up to see May making out with Nate. I cleared my throat to get their attention they both stopped and smiled

"you guys have some explaining to do" I said lifting my eyebrows ( i cant do that irl.. LOL)

" Umm long story short I really like may and I want her to be mine forever, May was scared to tell you this so she asked me to come to the football fields to tell you" Nate said out of breath

"AWWW how cute I said you didnt have to hide it from me, I just want to let you know that if you cheat on her you know what will happen haha" i said smiling at him

"thnx cam your the best"may said as she leaned in for a hug 

"Can i talk to you for a few minutes, just me and you if you dont mind" I asked politely

Nate gave may a little peck on the cheek and left. I looked at may and grabbed her hand and made her sit down on the bench. 

I need to tell you something important but you cant tell anyone only me, you and hannah know about this" I said, my heart was beating fast

"okay I may of had sex with Mr Dolan" I told her softly her eyes widened 

"WAAAATTT girl are u crazy, btw what was it like was he into you" she said smirking

"hahah idk but I found out that he is Graysons older brother and that he signed me up for a running competition for girls" I said 

"okay cool, I wont tell anyone i gotta go to first class so byeee"

Graysons POV

Cameron told me to meet her at 12.30, It was 12.25. I left Alex and Nate there to talk and left to the cafeteria, I saw her sitting there with may, Hannah and Cameron Dallas. I went up to her and tapped her on the shoulder she looked back, got up and gave me a kiss on the cheek, she dragged me out of the cafeteria and took me to the basket ball courts where there was no one there.  I had no idea what was going on, she stopped in the middle of the court. She turned around and looked into my eyes I stared into her hazel green eyes until I saw them get a little watery. She fell into my arms crying, I didnt know what she was crying for but I felt myself weaken when she was crying, I felt my shirt get wet because of her tears, she was hugging me really tight. I lifted her chin and asked her what was going on..

"Camerons whats wrong?" I asked as I felt my eyes water up

"I'm sorry grayson im so sorry, i didnt know, I promise you I didnt know " she said still dripping tears

"what didnt you know????! plz tell me, your scaring me" I said as a single tear fell don my cheek

"I didnt know ethan was your brother and so I may of had sex with him, Im sorry grayson I didnt mean to, I love you grayson... I really like you, be...-mi" she said I couldnt believe what she was saying until she fell to the ground.

 My heart was beating so fast, I was still heart broken I yelled out to her " CAMERON!, GET UP, OH NO NO, CAMERON" I lifted her up bridal style and ran to the school nurse through the hallways everyone was looking at me I sprinted through the hallways with Hannah, May and Nate running after me I took her to the nurse and layed her down.

Well its me Manny Tell me what you thought about that chap, next chap should be out soon

Love y'all


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