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*adam wasn't introduced until months after i finished this fic so i apologize for the shallura. i would've made shiro gay if it was canon before i started this fic. there's also some other stuff i would've done differently if I knew sooner. like lance's family. we knew nothing about his family when i wrote this so i came up with one. so no veronica or the others. though lance does have a big sister, isabella, that's a bit like veronica. also, in the sequel, i sink shallura and bring in adashi. so at least there's that*

July 21 - 4:28 pm

leggylance: what do you mean you'll strangle me? you can't even reach my neck!

leggylance: sorry wrong person

kmskeith: what kind of conversation were you even having??

leggylance: well I pissed off my friend who is really short and really violent. she said she was going to strangle me. but, you know, she's short.

kmskeith: well good luck with that

leggylance: she said she'll be able to reach it just fine after she blows out my kneecap :,)

kmskeith: good luck buddy

leggylance: thanks man. so is your name Keith?

kmskeith: yup. and yours is Lance?

leggylance: correctomondo. what does the kms mean in your username?

kmskeith: kill myself

leggylance: that's what i thought...

kmskeith: why leggy?

leggylance: my short friend called me leggy Lance and it stuck.

leggylance: do you really wanna kill yourself?

kmskeith: depends on the day

leggylance: same tbh..

kmskeith: are we having a bonding moment?

leggylance: you have to reach friendship level 5 to unlock Bonding Moment ™

kmskeith: ... challenge accepted

leggylance: really?

kmskeith: why not? I need more friends. I literally only talk to one person. And sometimes his girlfriend comes around

leggylance: I only have two friends so I feel that shit on a deep personal level

kmskeith: what friendship level am I at? and what friendship level do I have to reach to have you call me a friend?

leggylance: well you're at 0 and you have to reach 2

kmskeith: any tips on how to level up?

leggylance: just don't get sick of me like everyone else did

kmskeith: I promise I won't do that to you

kmskeith: Lance?

8:52 pm

kmskeith: well you haven't texted me in a couple hours so I guess you're busy.. ttyl...

level up ❇ klance trilogyWhere stories live. Discover now