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*god I want to just end this already.. time to make several days pass in one chapter without really skipping anything! I got skill like that*

August 16 - 6:39 pm

kmskeith: are you home yet?

leggylance: yeah, why?

kmskeith: I just wanted to make sure you made it home okay. no big deal :)

leggylance: oh okay. I'm eating dinner right now so I'll text you later. I love you!! ♡♡

kmskeith: I love you too

kmskeith: ٩(๛ ˘ ³˘)۶♥

7:23 pm

annathema: i have a new challenge for you!

leggylance: what is it?

annathema: ignore all your friends (including mullet boy) as much as you can & convince your mom to let you stay home from school for as long a possible!!

leggylance: what do you stand to gain from this?? how does me killing myself make your life any better?? what benefit do you get from making my life miserable??

annathema: you'll find out soon enough ;) just keep playing by my rules and no one gets hurt. right how little miss allura is on the chopping block! just do as i say and she won't have to go through what you did. or maybe you can break the rules and you two can have matching bruises and busted lips!

leggylance: fuck you

*this isn't a group chat. this is his showing all the messages lance ignored. there were all private messages*

August 17 - 6:29 am

kmskeith: good morning, my adorable walnut. I hope you're feeling so much better today. your alarm should go off right after you get this :) I love you so much baby. Call me if you need anything ♡♡♡

8:35 am

katiehatesyou: are you coming to school today??

hunkinthetrunk: you're going to miss the test in 6th period

12:56 pm

ayellura: are you okay? is it your anxiety again?

kmskeith: Allura said you didn't show up for school today. are you okay lancey?

2:39 pm

katiehatesyou: ok I was really hoping you woke up sick and went back to bed and that's why you weren't answering but it's almost 3

kmskeith: do I need to come over?

hunkinthetrunk: lance you're worrying us. just telling if you're okay or not and we'll leave you alone. that's all it takes. just say you're okay and need some space. we'll leave you alone if you at least give us that

3:26 pm

kmskeith: I'm coming over

3:49 pm

kmskeith: why did you tell your family not to let us see you?? baby what's going on???

6:16 pm

shirogone: I'm on the phone with Keith and he just told me what's going on. talk to him, he's freaking out

8:37 pm

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