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*I've had people ask how to pronounce the name of this new character so attached a video at the top with the correct pronunciation. Please check it out, it's really short. It's the same as in Frozen.*

August 14 - 11:43 pm

annathema: hey ;)

leggylance: hi. who is this?

annathema: i cant tell you without ruining the surprise!

leggylance: well I don't like surprises. who are you?

annathema: you spoil all the fun! :( i just want to play a game. i heard you like games.

leggylance: who told you that?

annathema: that's part of the surprise, silly!!

leggylance: I don't want to be surprised. who are you????

annathema: well, i can tell you that my name is anna. that's all you need to know. that's the only hint youre going to get.

leggylance: okay, Anna. what the hell do you want from me??

annathema: just some entertainment. i want you to play with me.

leggylance: find someone else to play with

annathema: aww but lance. i only want to play with you. at least let me explain the game i want to play

leggylance: fine, what's the game?

annathema: it's called How Far. the objective of the game is not to die ;) heres how it works. me and my friends are going to make your life a living hell. we get to see how far we can push you before you fall off the deep end and just kill yourself. there are some rules. you cant block me or my friends, you cant tell ANYONE, and you have to do as we tell you. if you break the rules, we penalize you. penalties will cause harm to you or those you love. especially that little catholic school boy you seem so infatuated with. and just so you know we're serious, let me show you this.

annathema shared leggylance's location

annathema shared katiehatesyou's location

annathema shared shirogone's location

annathema shared hunkinthetrunk's location

annathema shared ayellura's location

annathema shared kmskeith's location

annathema: i know where you and your friends are at all times. i know where you all live. so you better follow the rules, lance. or your little boyfriend is first

leggylance: I'm calling the police. they can protect us until you're all caught

annathema: i wouldnt do that if i were you..


annathema: as you can see, they'd never get here in time

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annathema: as you can see, they'd never get here in time

leggylance: okay, okay!! I'll play your game! just don't hurt keith!!

annathema: good! we'll leave him alone for now. are you ready for your first challenge

leggylance: yes, as long as you get the hell out of keith's room!!!!

annathema: this is only the first challenge so i'm gonna give you something simple but it will test your dedication to this game. you have to stay up all night tonight, no sleeping. if we see any signs that you didn't complete the challenge then you'll be penalized. well, keith will be.

leggylance: okay, I won't sleep. I swear it.

annathema: good, i'll check in tomorrow and give you your next challenge!

*wasn't gonna make this chapter so angsty at first, it just sorta happened. that's what happens when you write while in a shitty mood. i've been wanting to do one little thing with this fic for a long time, and anna might actually help me get there. it's just one of many things that are going to happen in this fic. i don't know what other chaos anna will bring just yet. but it'll be cruel. be prepared.*

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