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*I'm so sorry about that cliffhanger. Let's get started. This sorta rewinds to when Keith left Lance's house. Also they make some cliché horror movie decisions in this, don't hate me*

Keith drove away from Lance's house as fast as he could, he wanted to be able to get home and call him as soon as possible. He knew that wouldn't make up for leaving him at a time like this, but he also knew to be able to hear each other's voices would help a lot.

He was on a dark, less traveled road. It was the fastest way to his house on the other side of town. He was turning a curve when a pickup truck came around out of nowhere, driving in the wrong lane. Keith quickly swerved to the right to avoid getting hit, going off the road. He drove into a ditch and hit a rock, his bike stopped and he was thrown off of it. He was flung against a tree, instantly losing consciousness.

The driver stopped instantly, getting out of his black truck. He slowly walked over to the damaged motorcycle, "Well, at least the repairs won't cost him much." he chuckled a bit before pulling his phone out and walking over to Keith's injured body, "Anna, it's done. I did just as you asked. I didn't hit him, he swerved off the road and got thrown off his bike. ....Yeah. I'll text you when I get there." he put his phone away before bending over to pick up Keith's limp body, "To the hospital we go.."


The man drove Keith to the hospital quickly, texting Anna when he got there. He waited for her reply before dumping Keith outside the doors. He hid Keith's phone behind a trashcan before driving off.

It was only a few minutes before someone found Keith and doctors were rushing out to help him. He was quickly given the treatment he needed.

After about a half-hour, a raven-haired volunteer walked outside to take her break. She walked over to the trashcan and grabbed the phone, knowing exactly where it was because she was the one who told the man to put it there. She unlocked it and opened messages to Lance. She leaned against the wall before typing a message.

kmskeith: game over huh? i'm not so sure. it's just getting started. and now that you've gone and broken two rules, your little boy toy is paying the price ~anna

She laughed softly and put the phone in her pocket before getting out a cigarette, "This is so much fun.."


Pidge stood there staring at the phones she had dropped on the ground, she could hear Hunk's voice but couldn't understand a word of what he was saying. She was in shock. She knew Anna couldn't just be bluffing, the message had come from Keith's account! Keith really did get hurt by Anna. Hurt enough that she had her hands on his phone.

It took a few minutes but Pidge finally snapped out of it and knelt down to grab the phones. Hunk was still panicking on the other end, afraid something horrible had happened to her.

"Hunk.. I'm okay..." She said softly, now sitting on the floor.

"What happened, what was that bang?!" he was still freaking out.

Pidge took a deep breath and ran her hand through her hair, "I dropped my phone.. Anna.. She sent a message to Lance from Keith's account. Anna got to Keith." she bit her lip, about to freak out, "I-I don't know what she did to him.. She just said Keith is paying the price because Lance broke the rules.. She said the game isn't over and that she's just getting started.."

Hunk paused, "I'm coming over, we should all be together."

"No, that's a horrible idea! Keith went out alone and now he's god knows where probably severally injured!" she teared up a bit, "Lance tried to stop him from leaving.. Lance fucking knew. But we didn't listen. Our dumb asses didn't listen. We should've known what this chick is capable of! She paid someone to beat Lance up at school, who knows what else she can do?! Fuck, why were we so stupid!" she was starting to panic.

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