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*time for the epilogue! this takes place about 3 months after the Anna incident*

"No.. Hmmm... Stop it.. No.."

Keith awoke to those sounds, immediately sitting up and soothing the boy that was making them, "Lancey.. Wake up, you're having a bad dream... Shhh, I'm here..." he pulled Lance close and kissed his head as he cooed softly to wake him.

Lance woke up, a bit startled. But he quickly relaxed and melted into Keith's embrace, "I'm sorry.."

"Don't be sorry, Lancey.." Keith cuddled him close, kissing his forehead gently, "Was it the same dream..? It's been a while since you've had it.."

Lance nodded slowly, "Anna and Zack.." just three words were enough for Keith to know exactly what the dream was about. Not quite a dream, but a distorted memory of the day he was almost murdered. In his dreams, it was always so much worse than what actually happened.

"They're locked up, along with Mike. You're safe now.." he whispered softly, trying his best to comfort his lover.

Lance was still a bit shivery, "I know.. But in my dreams, I seem to forget that.."

Keith sighed and looked over at their clock, "It's already 6.. Why don't you take a nice bubble bath to calm your nerves.. I'll sit with you..." Keith knew Lance couldn't be in water alone, not after Sophia.

Lance nodded, "Bubble bath sounds nice.." he sat up and got out of their shared bed, followed by Keith.

Lance went to their bathroom and pulled his pajamas off, Keith started to run the water for him. After a few minutes Lance got into the bath, Keith kneeled next to the tub and held his hand.

They moved into this apartment the day Keith turned 18, Lance had done all the legal paperwork that needed to be done ahead of time since he was already 18. It had already been a month since that, it was now mid-November. They were happier here.

Lance had a lot of panic attacks after the Anna incident, along with nightmares almost every night. But he's gotten significantly less of them since moving in with Keith. He still gets the occasional nightmare and still gets triggered by some things. He can't spend too much time alone without going into a full panic attack, and if he can't reach Keith he freaks out a bit until Keith calls him back. But even with that, it's obvious living with Keith helps him greatly.

Keith had made a huge scene when he left Susan's for the last time. When he showed up with Lance and Shiro to move his things out, he was wearing eyeliner. He also made sure to passionately kiss Lance and flip Susan off before walking out the door. And no one would ever be able to forget him screaming "Hail Satan" as the door shut, especially because Shiro got the whole thing on video. Now he was free to be who he wanted to be. The only opinion that mattered to him was Lance's. And Lance would always accept him for being true to himself.

Shiro and Keith both transferred out of St Vivian's, now attending North Shore High with their friends and lovers. With all six of them in one place, their bond only grew. And their shenanigans kicked into overdrive. Lance and Pidge found themselves in lunch detention quite a lot after their little pranks. They were just lucky the principal secretly thought their pranks were funny, or they would be expelled by now.

Things were working out just fine for the six of them. And today was one very special day.

Lance got out of the bath and Keith wrapped a towel around him, "Go get ready, I'll make us breakfast." He could tell Lance was feeling much better now.

Lance nodded and walked to the bedroom. Keith cleaned up the bathroom before heading to the kitchen. He started to make Lance's favorite.

"Keith! I can't find my bracelet!" Lance whined from the bedroom, looking all over for the gift from Keith.

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