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*hi everyone welcome back to fuCK ANNA. Okay let's do this shit, more lit chapters yay*

Lance woke up in a bright room, he didn't understand at first. Everything was a bit blurry. He started to look around and saw two tan blobs approach him. People maybe?

"Mijo? Are you awake?" he heard his mother's soft voice. After blinking a few more times, he was able to see her as his father clearly.

"Mama.. Papa.. What happened?" he looked around again, seeing he was in a hospital room.

"You had a panic attack at school and passed out. The nurse had an ambulance come for you." Val spoke softly, running her fingers through his hair, "You gave your friends quite a scare. Poor Katie was crying her eyes out. We didn't see her cry but her makeup was all over to place when she got here with Keith."

Lance's eyes widened a bit, "They're here?"

Angelo nodded, "Keith brought her here after school about twenty minutes ago. They're both still here."

"Would you like to see them, mijo?" Val asked.

Lance nodded, "Yes, I want to see them."

Angelo nodded, "I'll go get them. Only two visitors are allowed in your room at once, so me and your mama will wait in the hall." he left the room.

Val stayed and pulled something out of her purse, his bracelet from Keith, "They took this off of you when putting you in your hospital gown. But they said I could put it back on you when you woke. I know how happy you were to come home and show it to us last night." she grabbed his hand and gently put it on him, "He was very worried about you. He said he was tempted to skip class and go to your school to help you through your attack but knew he couldn't afford to get in that much trouble. He really cares about you."

Lance smiled and looked at the bracelet, "I love him, mama.. I really do."

She smiled and kissed the top of his head, "I'm glad you've found each other.." she left the room.

Moments later, Keith and Pidge came walking in. Keith rushed to Lance's bedside, immediately holding his hand and kissing his forehead, "I was worried sick about you."

Pidge walked over to the other side of the bed, her makeup a mess like Val had said, "We all were.. It was pretty scary this time."

Lance frowned, "I'm sorry.. I don't really remember a lot of what happened. It's all fuzzy." he wasn't lying about that. He remembered hiding in the bathroom and the rest was a blur.

"That's okay. Don't worry about it.." Keith kissed Lance's cheek softly.

Pidge sighed, "Do you remember what triggered you at least?"

Lance knew exactly what had triggered him, Anna's challenge. But he couldn't tell them that, "I had a bad dream last night.. One about Sophie.. The day we lost her. I was feeling off the second I woke up because of it. It just kept building up inside of me all day, I guess I just snapped at lunch. The last thing I remember clearly is yelling at you and running away.."

Pidge nodded, "I thought it was probably something related to her.. Next time just tell us. Please. If you would've told us in homeroom than we could've gotten you to the guidance counselor to talk it out before it got worse."

Keith nodded in agreement, "Yeah, you were hysterical. You said we had to leave you alone or we would get hurt."

Lance frowned, not remembering that. He knew what he meant though, but he couldn't tell them that either, "I guess I went into a state of paranoia. It's happened before."

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