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*Holy fuck I finally finished this shit! Here's the second part of chapter 18. This chapter has more focus on Keith. Oh btw. Please comment if you have questions about characters actions or motives. Sometimes there's a deep reason to why they're doing it that I didn't show well enough so you don't get to see it. So please don't be afraid to comment any questions you have!*

*Edit: I get way too many comments so if you have any questions please put them on my message board. Same for anything important.*

"Okay, almost done.." Lance said as he applied his false eyelash, "And the look is complete!" he giggled and looked at Keith. He had done a flawless silver smokey eye with winged liner.

Keith smiled at him, "It looks amazing! I get why you like makeup so much, it's like art on your face." he laughed.

Lance rolled his eyes and picked up the eyeliner, "You want some?"

Keith shook his head, "Hard pass." he teased.

Lance pouted, "Come on, just a little eyeliner. Then you'll be full emo! Pleeeaaassee?"

Keith couldn't say no to that adorable face, "Fine, but nothing else. Just the eyeliner."

"Yay!" Lance smiled and leaned closer to Keith, applying the eyeliner like a pro.

"¡¡La cena está lista!!" Miguel shouted from downstairs.

"¡Estaremos abajo en un minuto!" Lance shouted back, "Dinner is ready." he translated for Keith as he held up a mirror, "You look great."

Keith rolled his eyes, "Yeah, okay." he helped Lance clean up all the makeup, "You're parents are cool to let you wear makeup and stuff.. Some parents wouldn't be as accepting as yours."

Lance sighed, "It took papa a while to come to terms with it all.. But I'm his child, he learned to set his objections aside for my sake. Now he's extremely supportive, mama and my siblings always have been. Isa is the one who gave me all this makeup and helped me learn how to use it."

Keith smiled, "I'm glad you have a family like this.." he didn't have a family at all, so he was glad Lance was lucky enough to have this.

Lance looked at him with a sigh, "Did you ever know your family..? You've been in so many homes so I assume you've been in the system for a while.."

"Actually, I was put in the system when I was 13." Keith shrugged, "I just never stayed in one home for more than a few months. This is the longest I've been in one place.."

Lance's eyes widened, "Really?! Oh my gosh, that's horrible." he frowned.

Keith shrugged again, "It's no big deal. We can talk all about it another time, it's dinner time and I'm starving." he took Lance's hand and walked out of the room with him.

Lance sighed and nodded, "Okay.. Later.." he didn't want to make Keith do anything he didn't want to, especially since Keith didn't seem to upset about the situation he was in. Lance figured it'd be best to just wait to talk about it.

They made it to the dining room, still hand in hand. Miguel laughed at them, he never missed an opportunity to tease his big brother.

"Chico gay tiene un novio~" Miguel chuckled, winking at them.

"¡El no es mi novio!" Lance frowned at him, "You're such a little fungus!"

Val was walking in the room as Lance said his reply, "¡Dejalo ser, nino!" she said to Miguel.

"Lo siento, mama.." Miguel said but flipped Lance off while she wasn't looking.

She walked over to Keith and Lance, "I'm glad you could stay for dinner. We always have room for more. I'm making ropa vieja. It's shredded beef with rice."

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