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*it's already 9 pm where I live and I haven't started writing this yet. Fuck.

This chapter is super sucky because I'm still not feeling well and I'm having a very hard time writing*

All Lance's friends stayed for lunch, knowing Lance needed them to stay. Lance stayed all up on Keith even while they ate, he never fully calmed down either. Keith didn't mind, he was happy to keep cuddling Lance. He never passed up an opportunity to kiss Lance and tell him how much he loved him.

Unfortunately, everyone had to go home eventually. Well, everyone except Pidge. She got permission to spend the night at Lance's like she had done many times before. Lance just wasn't very fond of the idea of Keith leaving him. He never fully calmed down and was being super clingy and paranoid.

"Lancey, I promise I'll come back tomorrow... I promise.. It's getting late." Keith sighed and kissed Lance softly. Everyone else had left already but Lance wouldn't let Keith off the couch.

Lance shook his hand, "It's not safe to go alone. Please don't go.." he whimpered softly, his arms tightly around Keith's waist.

Keith sighed and kissed Lance again, "I'll be fine, Lance. You have to let me go. Susan will be upset if I break curfew. I'll come by after church tomorrow, I promise. First thing after."

Lance pouted, "But Anna-!!"

Keith cut him off with another kiss, "Anna is no match for me. I'll be okay. I'll text you the second I get home.."

Pidge put her hand on Lance's shoulder, "Let him go, Lance.. It'll be okay..."

Lance whimpered softly but nodded, letting go slowly, "Just promise you'll tell me when you get home. You have to promise."

Keith smiled and cupped his cheeks gently, "I promise I'll tell you the second I walk in my door." he kissed him one last time before getting up, "Pidge will keep an eye on you while I'm gone."

Pidge nodded and wrapped an arm around Lance's shoulder, "I won't let anything happen to you.. Anna can suck my dick." she laughed a bit.

Lance smiled slightly with a nod, "Okay.."

Keith left after that, leaving with a smile and one last wave from the doorway. Honesty, he hated leaving Lance. He always hated leaving him, but right now he hated leaving him. Anna was still at large and Lance was an emotional wreck, Keith wanted nothing more than to stay by his side. But he couldn't, he'd asked Susan and she said no because of church tomorrow. He was only allowed to spend the night on Friday nights. He wished he could change time. He wished he could stay with his lover. But Susan had said no. So he got on his bike and drove away, hating himself more and more as he got further and further away.

Lance sighed and stayed curled up on the couch, Pidge holding him in her arms. She could tell that the three days of complete isolation had done a number on him. She could see how unstable he was, everyone could.

"Do you need anything, Lance?" She asked softly, messing with his hair.

He shook his head slowly, "No.. I'm okay.."

She sighed, "Okay.. You should try to sleep.. You need to rest... Crying can be exhausting."

He nodded, "Okay.. I can sleep.." he closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep.

She sighed again and kept running her hand through his hair as she looked up at the TV. She kept the volume low so he could sleep.

She watched the TV for a while before grabbing Lance's phone. It had been a while since Keith had left but he hadn't called it texted. His profile said he was offline. Pidge was only glad Lance was asleep so he wouldn't be worrying like she was. What if Anna really had gotten to Keith like Lance feared she would?

Pidge sighed and set the phone down, continuing to watch the movie. She didn't want to worry herself too much, she had to assume there was a good explanation.

But soon enough an hour had passed, Pidge couldn't help but worry now. His profile still said offline. She was starting to panic. She gently laid Lance down on the couch before leaving the room with both their phones.

She called Hunk from her phone and kept Keith's profile pulled up on Lance's phone.

"Hey, Tinker Bell. What's up?" Hunk asked as he answered, chuckling to himself. He loved that nickname for her, she was tiny and wore a lot of green.

She blushed, she'd never admit she liked the name, "Shut up. We have a problem."

He went serious instantly, "Are you and Lance okay? Is it Anna?"

She ran her hand through her hair and looked at Lance's phone, seeing no change, "We're fine.. But I think Anna did something to Keith.... He said he'd call when he got home, but it's been an hour.. Luckily, Lance is asleep.. I don't need him freaking out right now."

Hunk paused before speaking, "Can't you track his phone from your laptop?"

"Yeah but that's at my house. I'd go get it but I don't think walking alone outside at night is the best option right now, especially if she did do something to him. If I go out alone then I could get hurt next.." she bit her lip, trying to stay calm.

Hunk paused again, "I don't know, Katie.. I don't know..." He only used her real name in serious moments. He didn't have any clue what they could do to help.

She didn't expect him to know what to do, she called him for a different reason, "Just stay on the phone with me so I don't go insane.."

"Of course, I'll stay on all night if I have to... I can ask mom if I can drive over if you want?"

"No, it's safer if we all stay inside until we know it's sa- Hold up Lance just got a text," she said as she opened Lance's messages, Keith was back online and had sent a text. But when Pidge read it she gasped and dropped both phones, not knowing what to do.

"What's wrong?? What was that bang? Katie, can you hear me?! Katelyn!!" Hunk freaked out, doing all he could to get her attention.

Pidge stood there speechless and frozen, she had no idea what to do. She didn't know how to react.

"Lance was right... It wasn't safe to go out alone.." she whispered to herself, running her hands through her hair.

kmskeith: game over huh? i'm not so sure. it's just getting started. and now that you've gone and broken two rules, your little boy toy is paying the price ~anna

*so that took me two hours to write jfc. sorry bout the cliff hanger, I honestly can't write anymore tonight. I feel like absolute shit! Oh btw, I have a new book out! It's "about the author" if you wanna check it out. I was having insomnia last night and answered 30 questions about myself on there because I couldn't think creatively enough to work on my fics*

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