7K 407 374

July 23 - 5:30 pm

kmskeith: are you feeling better today? we haven't talked since two nights ago..

kmskeith: Lance?

kmskeith: I'll be here when you come back.. I promise...

11:26 pm

leggylance: sorry I didn't answer!! My charger broke and I didn't get a new one until today! It's late now so you're probably asleep..

kmskeith: eh it's only 11

leggylance: sorry again!

kmskeith: it's fine man. you seriously couldn't get another charger until now?

leggylance: yup. I have a different phone than my family and it takes a different charger. so I had to do some chores to earn money for a new one. then I had to walk to the store and that was 20 min one way.

kmskeith: damn that sucks! why didn't anyone in your family just go buy you one?

leggylance: that may be a level 1 question but it has a level 5 answer

kmskeith: I'm sensing a trend here. every time I get close to something personal you say I need to be at level 5. I'd ask why but you'd just say I need to reach level 5..

leggylance: correctomondo

kmskeith: what will it take to even reach level 2??

leggylance: if I tell you then you'll never reach it

kmskeith: why not?

leggylance: because you doing it on your own is half of it

kmskeith: well I guess I just need to learn patience because I'm not giving up. I'm going to reach the highest friendship level possible or die trying

leggylance: ... level up

kmskeith: YES!!

leggylance: you've reached friendship level 2 and earned the title Friend ™

kmskeith: what was my title before?

leggylance: Some Guy ™️

kmskeith: fair enough

leggylance: three more level ups left until you unlock Bonding Moment ™

kmskeith: bet

kmskeith: I'm gonna max this shit out at record speed

leggylance: simmer down cherry bomb

kmskeith: fight me

leggylance: I'd say bring it but this is the internet so tf you gonna do??

kmskeith: Idk.. block you?

leggylance: that's a greeeaat way to reach level 5

leggylance: *eyerolls into space*

kmskeith: ugh shut up

leggylance: keep going, you're on fire

kmskeith: I want to hate you right now but I don't

leggylance: I'm too lovable to hate ฅ'ω'ฅ

kmskeith: jfc

kmskeith: fuckin weird ass

kmskeith: I'm going to bed

leggylance: haha goodnight ♡

level up ❇ klance trilogyWhere stories live. Discover now