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August 6 - 9:24 pm

leggylance: hey

10:13 pm

kmskeith: hey! are you still there?

leggylance: yeah

kmskeith: how have you been? it's been a week since you last texted

leggylance: been bad. but I'm better now

kmskeith: um okay.. I assume you're not going to elaborate on that?

leggylance: you need to be lvl 5 for that

kmskeith: figured as much..

kmskeith: I know you don't fully trust me yet and that's why we do this level shit.. but I'm worried.. I care about you even though I haven't really met you. and I wish you'd let me in

leggylance: ..I guess you just leveled up.. You are now at friendship level 3

kmskeith: did I unlock anything?

leggylance: I'll tell you level 5 information just this once..

leggylance: remember how when we first met I asked about your username?

kmskeith: yes? you asked about the kms and I told you it meant kill myself..

leggylance: and I asked if you really wanted to kill yourself and you said it depended on the day

leggylance: and I said same

kmskeith: oh my god

kmskeith: Lance, you didn't...

leggylance: I did

kmskeith: damn it Lance... Are you sure you're okay now??

leggylance: yeah. was discharged from the hospital this afternoon. they said I can go back to school when it starts on Wednesday

kmskeith: well, that's good..

leggylance: I'm sorry I didn't text you for a week before I did it.. I had my phone powered off all week. And this week I didn't text because they took my phone. I sent those last texts while in the ER just before they took it

kmskeith: you dont have to apologize! it's fine, I understand. I just want to make sure you're okay..

leggylance: Keith.. I lied about something...I'm not better now. I still want to..

kmskeith: no, Lance, don't say stuff like that!

kmskeith: you're too amazing to kill yourself!

kmskeith: I swear to god I will hunt you down if I have to just to be able to check on your ass because I care about you that much!

leggylance: you shouldn't

leggylance: I'm not worth it

kmskeith: you're worth the world

leggylance: Keith..?

kmskeith: what is it?

leggylance: can I call you..?

kmskeith: of course!

*switching format now cuz it's now a phone call*

Calling kmskeith...


"Hey, Lance.."

"H-hey, Keith.."

"You're crying.."

"Y-Yeah.. But it's whatever.. N-No big deal.."

"Whenever you say something is whatever it's almost always a big deal.."

"Well, it is a b-big deal.. But don't worry about it.."

"Too late.. .........Lance?"


"It's nice to know what your voice sounds like.."

"Yeah.. Y-Your voice is nice.. ...Keith? Can you tell m-me another story?"

"Sure.. What do you want to hear about this time?"


"How about the story of when I broke some kid's arm while in a fight at recess when I was 10? I think it's even better than the story I told you about getting pushed off the roof."

"O-Okay.. That w-works.."

"Okay, so this kid TJ would pick on my everyday. Like every single day."

"That's horrible..."

"It really was. And one day I decided enough was enough. When he cornered me at recess, I pushed him down."

"It's good you stood up for yourself."

"Yeah, it was good until he got back up and we got in a fistfight. On the mulch too so we got super cut up. People tried to pull me off him but I'd just push or punch them too. And then I nearly broke his arm. But the gym teacher came and pulled me off of him. I kicked him in the dick and ran off. My math teacher grabbed me before I got too far, I kept kicking and screaming. Needless to say, I got in soooo much trouble."

"Well, you can't just fight everyone you have a problem with!"

"I can try!"

"Heh, thank Keith.."

"For what?"

"Making me laugh."

"Well, your laugh is pretty so my pleasure."

"Thank you.."

"It's getting late.."

"Yeah.. It is... It's after midnight.."

"We should probably go to sleep.."

"Yeah.. but.."

"But what?"

"stay on the line with me while I fall asleep? please.."

"Whatever you need.."

"Thank you.."

*they fall asleep on the phone together. neither hung up until Lance woke the next morning*

level up ❇ klance trilogyWhere stories live. Discover now