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*have some filler because it's past midnight and I haven't gotten the chance to write anything yet oops*

August 13th - 2:15 pm


leggylance: what??

katiehatesyou: Keith let it slip

katiehatesyou: you tried to kill yourself?! and you told him before you told us??? and you let him think we already knew???!!!

leggylance: i was going to tell you. It just never came up...

katiehatesyou: you shouldve brought it up then! We are your best friends and you didn't tell us something that important! What the hell lance?!

leggylance: im sorry. Im super sorry. You guys have just been so happy and i didn't want to ruin that

katiehatesyou: allow me to repeat myself

katiehatesyou: we are your BEST FRIENDS!!

katiehatesyou: Hunk and I don't care how happy we are. If you're going through some shit then you NEED to tell us. Not confide in people on the damn internet.

katiehatesyou: yeah, I get that you and Keith are super close and not knowing him IRL yet probably made it easier to confide in him. but suicide is something huge that we need to know about.

katiehatesyou: it would've been a bit different if you were only considering it but you actually attempted! You were in the hospital for a week! Dont you see how severe that is??

leggylance: i do. Im sorry. I'm really sorry.

katiehatesyou: stop apologizing idiot. I'm coming over and giving you a hug after i slap the shit outta your ass

leggylance: but what about your date tonight?

katiehatesyou: i have a few hours before he's coming to pick me up. Now come open the door. Its hot out here

*sorry it's so short. Next chapter will be lit and have them hanging out before Pidge's and Hunk's date.*

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