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*this is going to be a group chat between Keith, Pidge, and Hunk.*

August 13 - 12:16 pm

kmskeith: I need to ask you two some questions..

katiehatesyou: um, okay?

hunkinthetrunk: it's about Lance, isn't it

kmskeith: how much do you two know about his relationship with Zack?

katiehatesyou: ..everything

hunkinthetrunk: yeah, we were Lance's best friends through all of it.

katiehatesyou: we tried so hard to get Lance to break up with him sooner. they were together for months.

kmskeith: tell me everything

hunkinthetrunk: well, I guess it started halfway through junior year. sophomore for Pidge

katiehatesyou: yeah, they started dating a bit after second semester started. January. It was fine at first but then we noticed how much control Zack seemed to have over Lance

hunkinthetrunk: yeah, Lance was always saying stuff like "Zack wouldnt like that" or "I should ask Zack first". It was like Zack was his damn mom

katiehatesyou: we tried to tell him how wrong that was but he wouldn't listen. I ended up confronting Zack myself in April. That was a bad idea because Lance came to school with bruises the next day. He swore it wasn't Zack, but it obviously was

hunkinthetrunk: yeah, Lance started to pull away from us after that too. I think Zack told him something to cause that.

katiehatesyou: definitely. By the time school let out in May, we barely saw Lance anymore. But he still would always answer our texts and calls. He just didn't call or text first and never hung out with us unless we invited him to.

kmskeith: well I think I have an explanation for that. he was doubting the friendship he had with you two on Wednesday. he kept saying you thought he was annoying and would be happier hanging with Allura. Maybe Zack told him that you guys didn't really like him?

katiehatesyou: that would make a lot of sense. Maybe Lance was staying with Zack because Zack convinced Lance that no one else cared about him. It's a common technique used by abusers to keep their prey right where they want them

hunkinthetrunk: yeah.. I don't really know much more about them over the summer. I just know that I saw Zack with another guy once and I told Lance. Lance didn't answer that text.

katiehatesyou: i saw him flirting with girls on several occasions throughout their relationship. lance didn't believe me

kmskeith: he told me about that. when I asked if he had a bf, he said it was complicated cuz Zack ignored him a lot and went around with other people

katiehatesyou: I'm just glad he finally dumped that asshole. I'm also glad you too like each other. once Lance is ready for a relationship again, I know you two will be great together :)

kmskeith: I just want to do right by him. he deserves to be treated right.

hunkinthetrunk: something tells me that you'll do fine

katiehatesyou: yeah, you two will be fine.

kmskeith: he deserves to have relationships with people that don't bring him down. I don't want him landing himself back in the hospital

katiehatesyou: what??

kmskeith: I want to make sure he doesn't try to kill himself again.. like he just did before school started

hunkinthetrunk: WHAT?!

katiehatesyou: THATS WHAT HE WAS IN FOR?!

kmskeith: omg he told me that he told you..

katiehatesyou: WE WEREN'T TOLD SHIT


kmskeith: okay, calm down. he's better now so that's all that matters

katiehatesyou: LIKE HELL IT IS

katiehatesyou has left the chat

kmskeith: well I fucked up

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