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*it's finally a new day jfc*

August 14th - 6:02 am

kmskeith: good morning, gorgeous. I know how insanely cheesy this is but I had a dream about you last night. I'm pissed asf that my alarm woke me up. In my dream we were living together and lemme tell you, I've never been happier. I love you and can't wait to work out the details with you.

6:33 am

leggylance: that was the cheesiest shit ever. I love you so fucking much, you dumb dumb

kmskeith: (๑・ω-)~♥"

*now texting Pidge*

leggylance: he sent me a good morning text



katiehatesyou: aww you love good morning texts. that's so sweet!! klance is my new otp

leggylance: omg did you give us a ship name??! I love your weeb ass

leggylance: I like it tbh. sounds better than lack did

katiehatesyou: that was my notp, it was seriously lacking in romance

leggylance: ..did you just..

leggylance: WAS THAT A. FUCKI G PUN ? !!

katiehatesyou: yes, and I'm proud of it

leggylance: I'm proud of it too, my meme child

katiehatesyou: lmao anyways, gotta go

leggylance: yeah, me too. see you in a few

*back to klance*

12:17 pm

leggylance: hi hi ya dork

kmskeith: what a graceful way to greet someone, I'm impressed by your class

leggylance: shut up emo mulleted child

kmskeith: we're the same age

leggylance: nope, you're still 17 haha

kmskeith: I hate you

leggylance: no you don't

kmskeith: I want to hate you

leggylance: no you don't

kmskeith: I know

kmskeith: you lovable little shit

leggylance: I love you too ♡

kmskeith: are you texting me for any particular reason or are you bored?

leggylance: I got lunch detention

kmskeith: what did you do?? can't be that bad if it was just lunch detention

leggylance: I got in a fight but I didn't start it so I only got lunch detention while he got suspended

kmskeith: who started a fight with you??? did you get hurt???

leggylance: I'm fine but I gotta go. text pidge. she was there

kmskeith: okay..

12:32 pm

kmskeith: so Lance told me he got in a fight but didn't tell me anything else. told me to text you

katiehatesyou: yeah..  hunk and i had to pull them apart. The asshole got suspended and Lance got a week of lunch detention. Luckily our principal is chill. he knew Lance wouldn't have gotten in a fight unless provoked so he went easy on him

kmskeith: did he get hurt? he told me he was fine but I want to hear that from someone else before I believe it

katiehatesyou: he's fine-ish.

kmskeith: ISH?!?

katiehatesyou: calm down lover boy. he had to go to the nurse but he's not hurt that bad

kmskeith: how bad is not that bad

katiehatesyou: busted lip and a few bruises

kmskeith: who was he fighting with

katiehatesyou: just one of Zack's friends

kmskeith: I'm going to strangle Zack with his own intestines. Lance doesn't deserve this shit.

katiehatesyou: I know.. We all want to kill Zack and his friends.

kmskeith: I gtg. text you later

katiehatesyou: bye.

*I wanted to make this chapter a bit longer so I almost added even more angsty angst near at the end but that would've just given everything away too fast so have this short shit*

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