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*hi this chapter is 100% angst and I want to kill myself now. i thought you'd need tissues for the last chapter but you should've saved them for this one. i literally had to stop typing a couple of times to compose myself because i was getting too emotional. so enjoy*

August 16 - 6:31 am

annathema: good morning, lance! it's wednesday! happy hump day!

leggylance: (¬_¬) k thx

annathema: don't be such a grump grump

leggylance: *(^_^) kay thanks

annathema: i'm sensing a tone of sarcasm :(

leggylance: okay good, I was worried you would think I actually give a shit

annathema: you should, considering i have the power to destroy everything you love

leggylance: prove it. come at me. hurt me. prove you actually have the balls to do it. so far all you've done is text me locations and pictures of my sleeping boyfriend. so hurt me or I'll go to the cops with this shit

annathema: i already have hurt you silly


leggylance: you paid Mike to beat me up??!

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leggylance: you paid Mike to beat me up??!

annathema: yup! imagine what else I can do to you and your friends if you don't play by my rules

leggylance: you're a fucking sadist

annathema: yeah pretty much. now, I have your third challenge ready!!

annathema: today at school you have to start a fight with your friends and make them hate you!

leggylance: okay..

*okay I'm probably going to start having a lot more lit in this story. do you guys like that?*

Lance groaned as he sat down in his homeroom, his desk next to Allura's. Pidge was behind him and Hunk was behind Allura. They all sorta looked at him as he laid his head on the desk.

"Lance.. You okay, buddy?" Pidge asked as she reached over to touch his shoulder.

He pushed her hand away, "Leave me alone."

Pidge frowned and looked at Hunk and Allura.

"I thought Keith said things went well yesterday.." Hunk whispered.

Allura nodded, "He did say that." she pointed to Lance's bracelet.

"I can hear you. I will kill you." Lance said with no emotion.

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