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August 13 - 10:16 am

leggylance: okay so you know how I fell asleep on the phone with you yesterday??

kmskeith: um yeah?

leggylance: well I sorta just woke back up

kmskeith: you seriously slept for 24 hours????

leggylance: yup. Danny took me up to bed a bit after I fell asleep and no one tried to wake me up. just woke up an hour ago.

kmskeith: jeez Lance.. at least it wasn't a school night

leggylance: yeah, thank god!

leggylance: hey I'll text you later. sorta gotta go meet with law people about that restraining order

kmskeith: good!!

2:46 pm

leggylance: we got the order!!

kmskeith: thank god!

leggylance: I definitely feel safer knowing he'll be arrested if he comes anywhere near me, my house, or the school

kmskeith: same here. that dude was seriously out of line

leggylance: seriously. he can't even text me anymore without getting in trouble. he can't reach out to me at all unless it's through our lawyers

kmskeith: perfect. I'll seriously kick his little ass if he tries to touch you again

leggylance: thank you but it's all taken care of now :)

kmskeith: I'll kick his ass while we wait for the police to show up to take his ass to jail. idgaf

leggylance: simmer down

kmskeith: no one hurts my lancey lance

kmskeith: ヽ(`⌒')ノ

leggylance: I'm fine tho. we got the restraining order. it's fine!

kmskeith: I wish they could've locked him up

leggylance: he didn't do anything prison worthy

kmskeith: ?? he tried to rape you ??? showed up at your school in a second attempt to rape you ?? harassed you through texts ??

leggylance: all things bad enough for a restraining order but not prison. he barely even got my pants down the first time. the second all he was able to do was lift my shirt

kmskeith: I just hate that one ass hole has caused you so much pain.. I don't want you to cry anymore

leggylance: I'm not crying. I'm sitting here while you completely overreact

kmskeith: okay we can stop talking about this now

leggylance: thank you.. I'll text you later. I haven't done my chores yet

kmskeith: okay.. bye

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