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August 9 - 7:24 am

leggylance: save me

leggylance: I'm about to leave for my first day of school

kmskeith: me too buddy

leggylance: ugh, I don't wanna go back. stupid senior year! I'm just glad my ex graduated last year so he won't be there

kmskeith: just focus on the positives

leggylance: like what?

kmskeith: it's a short school week, only 3 days. no ex. maybe you'll have classes with your friends

leggylance: ha what friends? what are friends? I don't know what a friend is

kmskeith: first of all, I'm your friend. second, what happened?

leggylance: my friends started hanging out with this new girl while I was in the hospital and barely talk to me now

kmskeith: well just because they made a new friend doesn't mean they don't wanna be your friend anymore. maybe you should be friends with her too and you'll have even more friends.

leggylance: what's the point? short friend thinks I'm annoying and other friend didn't really defend me when she said it

leggylance: they'll have more fun with Allura anyways.

kmskeith: ......

kmskeith: you don't by any chance go North Shore High?

leggylance: uh yeah?? how did you know?????

kmskeith: does this Allura have dark skin and white hair? and an accent?

leggylance: you know her??

kmskeith: remember when I said I have one friend and sometimes his girlfriend comes around? well that girlfriend would be Allura

leggylance: holy crap! wait, do you go to that Catholic school down the street?? St Vivian's?

kmskeith: yup. I hate it but yes

leggylance: holy crap man we live in the same town!

kmskeith: this is actually sorta awesome!

leggylance: wait, is your one friend Shiro?

kmskeith: yup, you met him?

leggylance: no but he knows my short friend and her brother.

kmskeith: Matt and Katie???

leggylance: yes!! but we call her Pidge!

kmskeith: holy balls, Lance! I've met both of them! And she introduced me to her friend Hunk recently. Is that your other friend??

leggylance: yup!! Jeez, this is insane!

kmskeith: I want to meet you

kmskeith: now that I know I can, I want to do it more now than ever

leggylance: me too!!

leggylance: I have to go now but I'll text you asap!!

kmskeith: okay!

11:45 am

leggylance: so I'm at lunch with Allura, Pidge, and Hunk

leggylance: I now know what you look like!! ( • ̀ω•́ )✧

kmskeith: oh god. any pictures Allura has of me must be horrible

leggylance: she sent me this pic of you and Shiro lol


leggylance: you're pretty cute, mullet boy

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leggylance: you're pretty cute, mullet boy

kmskeith: read the first part of my username

leggylance: nope, you're not allowed to die before we meet!

kmskeith: (╥╯﹏╰╥)

kmskeith: no fair, I don't get to see what you look like

leggylance: hold on. I'll send you my fav pic of me ;)


kmskeith: ⊙_⊙

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kmskeith: ⊙_⊙

leggylance: what?

kmskeith: nothing. you're just pretty...

leggylance: well thank you very much

leggylance: okay so Allura just invited me, Hunk, and Pidge over to her house on Friday. She's going to invite you and Shiro too.


leggylance: yeah! Isn't that awesome!

kmskeith: it's beyond awesome!!

leggylance: hey, Keith..? wanna video chat tonight?

kmskeith: of course!

leggylance: can't wait!

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