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*fair warning. prepare the tissues because I almost cried writing part of this. but hey, let's celebrate 2k reads! I literally hit 1k only 5 days ago wtf*

August 15 - 6:30 am

leggylance: I did what you wanted

annathema: good. I'll give your next challenge soon ;)

9:46 am

katiehatesyou: you ready for that test next bell?

leggylance: yup, I was studying half the night

katiehatesyou: yeah me too. this is even hard for me. good luck bro

leggylance: you callin me dumb?

katiehatesyou: no, I'm calling myself a goddamn child genius :) don't worry you're still smarter than at least half our classmates

leggylance: yeah, you are freakishly smart. I hate you for that

katiehatesyou: well the feeling is mutual

leggylance: well considering your username... I already knew

katiehatesyou: fair enough

2:28 pm

kmskeith: do you have plans after school? I need to see to you

leggylance: I'm free. what's up?

kmskeith: wait for me outside the main entrance of your school. you get out a bit before me. but I'll be there as soon as I get out

leggylance: sounds good. see you then

2:56 pm

annathema: what are you doing lance?

leggylance: waiting for Keith. why do you care?

annathema: just wondering. i have your second challenge. tell him you're feeling suicidal again.

leggylance: why??

annathema: isn't it obvious? for you to win the game, you have to make it out alive. for me to win, you have to kill yourself. im just trying to set the stage for your death.

leggylance: okay, fine. he's here

annathema: failure to complete this challenge is a penalty to your little nerdy friend

annathema shared katiehatesyou's location

annathema: so don't screw this up

*whoop whoop I love angst and making myself cry! time for lit!*

Keith pulled up to the school on his motorcycle, stopping next to Lance who was quickly putting his phone in his backpack and walking over.

Keith looked at him with a frown, "Not to be rude, but you look like shit.. Are you feeling okay?"

Lance shook his head and put his helmet on as he got on, "Nope, let's just go."

Keith nodded, knowing this wasn't the best place for an important conversation, "Okay.." he started to ride away when he felt Lance wrap his arms around his waist.

He drove to the dinky little park across town, no one ever went to it because the city had put a better one around the block. The new park is where Pidge and Hunk had their date. It was still beautiful at this park even with the probably inanely dangerous play area, it was usually empty too so that's why Keith chose it. Today, no one was there. He parked his bike in the parking spot closest to the old gazebo. Once Lance got off, Keith got off after him. He put both their helmets in the holder before grabbing his bag, "Let's go." he walked over to the gazebo with him.

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