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August 9 - 8:41 pm

leggylance: hey. can I video chat you now?

kmskeith: sure!

*switching to normal lit style for their call*

Video Calling kmskeith...


Both boys smiled brightly as they saw the others face on their phone screen.

"Hey!" Lance giggled a bit

"Hi!" Keith smiled at him, "I can't stop thinking about Friday.."

"Me either! I can't wait to finally see you in person!" Lance smiled, leaning back on his bed, "Your Catholic school uniform looks great by the way." he teased.

Keith rolled his eyes, taking off the already loose red tie and black blazer. Now in just his white dress shirt that wasn't buttoned all the way, "You're hello kitty shirt looks great too." he teased back.

Lance looked down at his blue hello kitty shirt with a giggle, "I love it." he looked back at his screen, seeing Keith smiling and resting his head in his hand, "What are you making that face for?" he blushed a bit.

"I thought your laugh was pretty but then I saw your smile.." Keith said in a sincere tone.

"Oh shush!" Lance blushed before hiding his face in his poo emoji pillow.

Keith laughed softly, "Don't hide from me.. Come on out..."

Lance shook his head and kept hiding his face, "Nope. This is my true form actually."

Keith laughed, "Your true form is a smiling pile of shit?"

Lance laughed too, "Dude that is literally the best way to sum me up." he moved the pillow and looked at the screen again.

Keith shook his head, "No. That's a lie. I don't know how to best sum you up but that definitely isn't it."

"Try to sum me up. Give it your best shot." Lance sat up again.

Keith shrugged, "I dunno. Maybe an adorable ray of sunshine? Just definitely not a smiling pile of shit."

Lance just blushed, "Let's, uh, let's just agree to disagree.."

Keith nodded, changing the subject, "Oh I realized how easy it was for you to get mine and Pidge's accounts mixed up. Thank god her username starts with a k, or it would've been ages before met each other.."

"Right, the infamous 'katiehatesyou'. Which is true because she hates everyone." Lance giggled a bit, "She chose her username before she started going by Pidge. Now she'll hate you even more if you call her Katie."

"What is with that anyway? Why Pidge?" Keith chuckled a bit.

"Hell if I know! Why does Hunk go by Hunk? The world may never know!" Lance kept giggling.

Keith kept laughing with him, "So, other than leggy Lance, what nicknames do you have?"

"None really. And leggy Lance was meant to be an insult but I embraced it." Lance giggled more, happier now than he'd been in weeks.

"How was it supposed to be an insult?" Keith asked, he loved hearing Lance's laugh.

"Well, it was Pidge's idea. We got in an argument and I had her phone. I was holding it above my head where she couldn't reach it. Hunk came in and asked what was happening. Pidge said something like 'leggy Lance here won't give me my phone back.' it sorta just stuck" He giggled a bit as he recalled the memory.

Keith smiled as he watched Lance tell the story, loving how animated he was.

Lance heard some crying and looked towards his door, "I'll text you later, Keith. My baby sister is crying."

"Okay, bye," Keith said as he hung up, sad they had to end their call.

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