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*normal lit for their meeting!! it'll be a suuper long chapter too!! it's about 3500 words. My normal fic chapters are usually that long but the chapters in this rarely are longer than 500*

Lance couldn't sit still as he looked out the window of Hunk's car. He was driving Pidge, Lance, and Allura to Allura's house. Shiro and Lance were going to meet them there.

Pidge looked at Lance from her spot in the passenger seat, she almost always got shotgun, "Lance, calm down." she laughed at him.

"I can't! I actually get to meet him!" he giggled a bit, "I just hope I don't scare him away." He had made sure to look extra good today. He wore his tighter jeans, newer shoes, and a slightly too small faded blue T-shirt. He looked sorta hot.

Allura rolled her eyes, "I don't think you could if you tried. Just because you've never seen each other in person doesn't mean anything. You two have been talking for weeks now. He knows you and knows how you're going to behave. So just be yourself."

"Yeah, Allura's right." Hunk said as he glanced at Lance in the mirror, "You've been yourself with him this whole time. Just keep that up. He likes you for you."

Lance nodded with a smile, "You're right.. You're right..." he let out a deep breath as they arrived at Allura's.

Allura unbuckled her seatbelt, "They should be here in about 10 minutes."

Lance nodded, "Oh god, okay.."

They all went inside, greeted by Allura's Godfather, Coran. He had been taking care of her since the death of her father when she was 13.

"Allura, you're home! I've made you all some snacks! They're in the basement. I'll be up here somewhere if you need me." he smiled at her.

She smiled and hugged him, "Thank you, Coran. Keith and Shiro aren't here yet so can you let them in when they arrive?"

Coran nodded, "Of course! Now you four head on downstairs. I'll man the door!"

They all laughed a bit and went down to the basement. It was completely decked out. It was like a man cave but more girly.

Lance looked around as they sat down on the couch, "Wow, Allura. It's really cool down here."

She shrugged and grabbed a bottle of coke from the table, "My father was super rich and left me everything. Though, I can't touch a dime of it until I'm 18. Coran's in charge of my money until then. He gets me whatever I want really, as long as it's within reason. If I want a TV in the basement then he gets it. But he's not going to go buying me a pony or something like that." she giggled a bit.

"That's super cool." Hunk said as he already started munching.

Lance leaned back, "I have to do chores to earn enough money to buy myself a new phone charger but you could ask him to buy you ten and he probably wouldn't even hesitate." he chuckled a bit.

Allura raised her eyebrow a bit, about to question it. But she didn't when she saw Pidge shake her head. Hunk whispered to Allura when Lance was distracted, "His parents are a bit tight on money right now. He's trying to find a job to help out. They have enough to get by for now though."

Allura nodded, understanding now. She looked towards Lance with a sad smile. When they heard the front door open, Lance immediately sat up straight and looked towards the stairs. His three friends giggled a bit.

"Lance, it's just Keith. Calm down." Hunk pat his back, "He's, like, your best friend. Don't be so nervous."

"I know.. I've just been looking forward to this and don't want to screw it up..." Lance bit his lip as he heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

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