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July 24 - 3:23 pm

kmskeith: are you done being weird?

6:08 pm

kmskeith: Lance?

10:41 pm

kmskeith: you there buddy?

July 26 - 9:17 am

kmskeith: I haven't heard from you in a while..

kmskeith: if I did something can you just tell me??

11:49 pm

kmskeith: goodnight Lance..

July 28 - 7:19 pm

kmskeith: I really hope you're okay..

kmskeith: you're probably just bored of me but I can't help but worry

kmskeith: my mind always jumps to think the worst

July 30 - 2:46 pm

leggylance: uh.. hi?

kmskeith: hey!

leggylance: I'm sorry I worried you.. I know it's been a week since I last texted

kmskeith: you don't have to apologize. are you okay??

leggylance: that's a level 5 question..

kmskeith: okay that's a no.. I know I'm only level 2 but can you please make an exception??

leggylance: I can't

kmskeith: why not

leggylance: I just can't

leggylance: I have to go. I probably won't be back for a while. Don't worry though. I'll text you when I can

kmskeith: oh okay... bye..

leggylance: I'm sorry

kmskeith: why?

kmskeith: well I guess you're gone now..

kmskeith: bye Lance...

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