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*dude it's been August 13th for so many chapters. Seriously, go look at chapter 14. All this happened in one day for them.*

August 13th - 11:47 pm


kmskeith: holy fuck, I thought me and you would have our three month anniversary before they started dating.

leggylance: Keith, we aren't dating yet

kmskeith: exactly

leggylance: you're speaking in riddles

kmskeith: I'm really not

leggylance: okay whatever

leggylance: I had fun tonight. I'm so glad you came over

kmskeith: me too! I love being with you, I'll have to come over again soon

leggylance: maybe I can come to your house next time?

kmskeith: maybe not the best idea. my foster mom can't find out I'm gay. I might get moved to a new home if they find out. It'd be best we just hung out at your house

leggylance: they'd really send you away if they found out?

kmskeith: probably. they're total homophobes. it'd be best if I just didn't let them know. I age out of the system in two months. I just have to stick it out until then, then I'll be able to do whatever I want.

leggylance: that's sucky. I wish you could just come stay with me. then we can be together all the time.

kmskeith: I wish we could live together. that'd be amazing..

kmskeith: you're already 18, right?

leggylance: yeah, my birthday was in July. why you asking?

kmskeith: just thinking.. when I turn 18 maybe we can get an apartment together? I was going to stay living near by and switch to your school anyways

leggylance: you really think we could do that??

kmskeith: yeah, no problem. we have two months to work out the details. though, you can say no if you want. I know how much you love your family

leggylance: well we would still be in town, I could visit them. it might help them if I moved out actually. one less person to feed.

kmskeith: we have two months to think about it. and even then you can decide to move in later. don't feel pressured. I just wanted to bring up the possibility.

leggylance: I want to do it. we'd be dating by then anyways, it'd be nice to live with my boyfriend. and even if we weren't, friends live with each other all the time.

kmskeith: we'll definitely be dating in two months. if things go well, we'll be dating in less than two weeks ;)

leggylance: sounds perfect. let's talk more about it tomorrow. It's late.

kmskeith: okay, night Lance

leggylance: night Keith ♡

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