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August 11 - 2:31 am

leggylance: Pidge told me that you went looking for me..

kmskeith: I see she also gave you your stuff back

kmskeith: are you okay? I was super worried

leggylance: yeah.. I was just super scared...

kmskeith: what happened??

leggylance: my ex showed up at the school and tried to get to me again. he pinned me against the wall in the gym, saying that if we fucked again i'd realize how much i need him. I kicked him in the dick and ran, leaving my stuff behind. I hid at the park for a couple hours before taking the long way home

leggylance: I'm sorry I worried you, but I'm fine

kmskeith: omg Lance this is seriously messed up!

kmskeith: I think your dad should get that restraining order asap

leggylance: yeah, he's going to

leggylance: but I'm fine right now. I'm sorry if I woke you. I just wanted to thank you for looking for me. and wanted to let you know I was safe

kmskeith: you didn't wake me. I've been too worried to sleep

leggylance: I'm sorry. let's both just go to bed now. we get to meet tomorrow and I don't want to be sleep deprived for that :)

kmskeith: me too :) night Lance

leggylance: night Keith

8:03 am

leggylance: omgomgomgomg

leggylance: it's today!!

leggylance: we get to meet today!!

leggylance: ohmygooood!!

kmskeith: calm down, you adorable walnut

leggylance: I'm just super excited and it hasn't felt real. but then it just sorta hit me that this is actually happening!!

leggylance: (ノ*>∀<)ノ♡

kmskeith: I'm excited too Lance lol

leggylance: Pidge is making fun of me for being so excited

leggylance: she pinched me!!

leggylance: I said this feels like a dream so she pinched me!

kmskeith: well now you know it's not a dream XD

leggylance: I have to go to class. I'll see you later!!

leggylance: I can actually say 'see' instead of 'text'!

leggylance: (*>ω<*)

kmskeith: I'll SEE you later you :)

*next chapter will be normal lit style for their first meeting!!*

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