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*okay a lot of shit hits the fan in this chapter oops. updating a bit earlier in the day cuz I cant wait for you guys to see this!!*

Hunk quickly drove to the hospital with Lance. Lance had texted Shiro and Allura on the way and updated them about what had happened to Pidge. They soon arrived at the hospital and ran inside quickly, Lance made it to the front desk first.

"Hi, uh, my boyfriend was in an accident earlier and I was told he'd be here. His name is Keith Kogane." Lance bit his lip.

The nurse nodded and looked through her records, "Sorry, but no one by that name was admitted tonight.."

Lance thought for a moment, "It wasn't the hospital who told me he'd be here, maybe you guys haven't identified him yet. Were there any John Doe's admitted? Keith has a stupid black mullet, purple eyes, and he's 17. Almost 18. He's just a tiny bit shorter than me, and he's super pale."

The nurse went back to her records, "A John Doe that fits that description was admitted about an hour or two ago. If you come with me then you can identify him." She smiled at him.

Lance sighed in relief and nodded, then looked at Hunk, "Can you stay here? Here's my phone just in case we get any news on Pidge." he handed Hunk his phone.

Hunk nodded, taking the phone, "Take as much time as you need. I'll be over there." he pointed to the ugly, brown waiting room chairs.

Lance nodded before following the nurse to Keith's room. She looked at her and sighed, "I wasn't given much information before coming here. Can you tell me what happened?"

She nodded, "His records said he was left outside the ER doors, whoever left him was already long gone. He was wearing a motorcycle helmet so we think it was some kind of motor accident and the other driver brought him here before fleeing."

Lance nodded, "How badly was he hurt..?" he bit his lip.

"Not that bad at all. He looks worse than he really is. It's mostly scrapes and bruises. The only big injuries are his bruised rib and he hit his head pretty hard. But he'll be fine. We did a scan just in case, his brain activity is relatively normal. Worst case scenario, he has a concussion. But we won't know for sure until he wakes up." She stopped in front of Keith's room and opened the door.

Lance went inside quickly, relief washing over him when he saw it was his Keith. "It's him.. That's Keith.." he walked over to his bedside and held his hand.

The nurse smiled, "Do you know how we can reach his parents?"

Lance shook his head, "I know his foster mom is named Susan.. That's about it..."

"Okay, then can you help fill in some paperwork for him? You only have to answer things you know, like his full name and birth date. And he does need an emergency contact so I suggest you put down your own parents until we can reach his." she smiled and handed him a clipboard and pen.

He nodded, "Yeah, I can do that.. I get to stay with him, right?"

The nurse nodded, "Of course. Visiting hours are over but we make exceptions in cases like this. If anyone asks just tell them I gave you permission. My name is Lila."

"Thank you, Lila." he smiled and sat down by Keith's bed, "Oh, can you tell my friend that I'll be staying back here? The one I came in with, his name is Hunk."

Lila nodded, "Of course. Just call for one of our volunteers if you need anything. Annabella is working tonight and should be doing room checks soon."

Lance tensed up at the name, "O-okay.. Thank you.." he forced a smile.

Lila nodded and left after that.

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