Half a heart

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HEYY!! So this is my first fiction! Yay! So tell me whatcha think!


Chapter 1



I'm suddenly awaken by a slamming door and screaming. It's never got this bad. I quietly slip from my covers and down the stairs and see my mom yelling at my drunken dad in the shadows of the living room."You need to stop wasting our money on beer you stupid bastard!" Yells my mom. " Me! What about you and your damn drug addiction?!" Yells my dad. I knew nothing about my mom doing drugs and at this realization I can feel tears coming to my eyes. I went to take another step but l lost my footing and fell the rest of the way down an the yelling stoped but that wasn't what I remember before I blacked out it was my dad hitting my mom.


"Miss Brice did you here me?" My math teacher asked. Ugh I hate math with a passion and what makes matters worse a I don't even know the question and everyone is staring at me. "Sorry mr. Hopkins what?" Now everyone's laughing, great, what joy! "Alisa, please pay attention." He replies with a heavy sigh, god am I really that bad at dazing off I need to get that check out along with the rest of my life. After the bell rung my bestfriend grabs my arm and asks me about what happened in math. See this is why I love rachelle she actually cares yet at the same time could tell you the truth very bluntly. " so what's with the whole dazing off into another world about?" Asked rachelle picking at a string off her skinny jeans." When everything started when I was 15." I reply an stop and when I stopped she didn't make me continue she knew the story inside and out how my parents fighting became worse when I was 15 and that's when I met Logan. He was new to our small school and everyone liked him. He had black hair that swished and hazel eyes with a cheeky smile but was always a great person for company. So to say I was very surprised when he asked me to the 9th grade dance I would be understating my surprise by a long run. Here's the story of Logan. He's the sweet kinda guy you can hang out with and the kind of guy every mother loves. Then he started hanging out with... Different kind of friends to put it kindly. Ha so they were complete asses with stuck up attitudes and egos to good for their own good.Then Logan changed.


Sorry this chapter updated funny the first time :/

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