TEW➰Daniel Seavey

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                            I Won't Keep On Saying Those Three Empty Words

                                      Three Empty Words by Shawn Mendes

We've been at it for four hours. Four straight hours of arguing over the most ridiculous thing anyone could think of. I'm going on tour. 

Now, I can blame myself a bit. I told her only two days before I leave. But, I'm pretty sure she was overreacting. 

"Daniel, you have to tell me these things earlier!"

"We have been through so much together. I'm not going to let you keep a secret from me until two days before you're gone!"

"You told me we could trust each other! Do you trust me?"

I don't think she was mad. I think it was out of sadness. 

She didn't cry. I didn't cry. But I knew it killed her inside. 

Y/N's not one to cry. She's not one to show her emotions that easily. That's the one thing I hated about her. She couldn't bring herself to open to anyone. Not even me. 

And she was right. We've been together for three years now. After three years, it's not so easy to throw away something you love so much. But after thee years, it is easy to not love that one person you did anymore. 

I mainly sat in the couch the whole time in our tiny apartment we shared. She was the mainly who did the yelling. 

Now, it was silent. Sure, the noises of cars outside were there, but we didn't want to think about that. There were probably couples in some of those cars, surviving through the roughest of times. Some of them might be coming to an end, like us. 

What killed her, and I 100% know this, is that I knew.  

What killed me, and she 100% knew this, is that I want what's best for her. 

I loved her. I loved Y/N so much. With all my heart. She was a wild animal that could not be tamed. She ran and I chased after her like a game of tag. She had my heart, and wouldn't give it back, which I loved. 

But after those three years, she started to stop playing. She started to stop running. She started to stop being wild. She started to stop loving me. I don't know why she yelled at me for this. 

Wait, I actually do. She yelled at me, not for telling her two days before tour starts, but for not loving me anymore. While I still loved her. 

"Y/N." I asked her. 

"Yes, Daniel?" She questioned, still obviously upset, just not showing it. 

"Do you still love me?" I asked her. She hide her face with her hair, but is till saw it. 

"You already know the answer." She said. 

I was ready for it. I've been ready for it. Probably for the last two months of our arguing. I knew this was coming, and I embraced myself. I prepared myself for the words that were going to come out of her mouth, into the air. They wouldn't fly away though. They would stick in the air of this room haunting me forever. They would stick to my ears, into my brain, and I would never forget them. Even if I moved on, even if I stopped loving her. I would remember these words she would say to my face. Those three empty words. 

"Yes, I do."

This is how all of it would end. 

All the fighting, all the arguments. She would lie to my face and tell me that she still loved me. 

We would do this forever. Even if we had children. 

We would be stuck in a relationship that deserved to be broken, but it just couldn't. 


Hey!! Did you like it? Yes, the one part of the story was from be lyrics of All My Love, but it was mainly about Three Empty Words. 

I'll be taking requests soon!

𝐰𝐝𝐰 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now