Unforgettable➰Jack Avery

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You are unforgettable.

Unforgettable by French Montana ft. Swae Lee

"You're going to have to break up with her."

That's all I remembered him saying.

I looked up at our manager, his face was stern and serious. He meant what he had said.

My expression was dumbfounded. I was shocked. I honestly couldn't believe what he had just said to me.

Aspen ran her mouth off to her father about Y/N, and now he's threatening me about her.


Aspen never liked Y/N, and I never knew why. Y/N never did anything to Aspen, if she did, she was completely kind to her like she was with everyone.

I hadn't seen it at first, it was Daniel who showed me Aspen's social media.

She posted pictures with awful captions, tweets that were so descriptive.

We were best friends, though. Why would she hate Y/N?

Girls can be real bitches to each other.

I learned that when Isla was 5, and she wore a beautiful dress to school. Some of the girls her age there whispered about her and said how ugly her dress was. I had gotten so mad, I went to the principal. But a 16 year old isn't going to win a fight against a principal and three moms.

"You want me to what?"

The boys sat around me, their expressions blank. Our manager sat in front is us, Aspen standing behind him. Her smirk was wide and visible, I was so pissed.

"Y/N has been causing some trouble with Aspen and some of the fans, and it will destroy the band. I can't allow it." He spoke. My jaw hung open, probably touching the floor.

"But, Y/N didn't do anything. The fans love her." Zach started.

I heard Jonah whisper to him to stop, or else.

"No, Jonah, Zach is right." Corbyn spat out. "Y/N didn't do anything, she's an amazing girl. The fans don't hate her, they absolutely love her. She's so kind and so wonderful to them. I know why Jack loves her, they were made for each other."

Our manager rolled his eyes, and repeated what he said.

"Either you split, or you're out of the band."

The boys' heads snapped up, they didn't believe it.

I didn't believe it.

"No, no this isn't right," I knew what Daniel was going to say, and I did not want him to. "Y/an has done nothing. This was Aspen, she hates Y/N with every cell in her body. Y/N has done nothing to Aspen nor the fans, so do not do this."

He sighed, clearly distressed, but for what reason?
I closed the door, my face tired and sad, to see Y/N eating popcorn and watching Netflix.

"Hey, baby." She greeted me, her mouth full.

I mumbled a "hi", and walked to our dining room.

"What's wrong?" She swallowed her food, and walked over to me. "Did something happen today?"

"Sit down." I told her gently.

She obeyed, and sat down in the chair across from me.

"Listen," her elbows supported herself in the table, showing me that she was clearly interested. "Our manager today has ordered me to break up with you."

"Why?" She asked, quietly and scared for the answer.

"He told me because of Aspen and the fans. He said we couldn't risk our careers for some silly girl."

She looked down at the table, I could tell she was going to cry. But Y/N doesn't cry. She's a fighter, she survives through it.

"What did you say?" She asked, quietly and scared yet again.

"I didn't say anything. I drove around to let some steam off, but I didn't say anything." She looked up at me, and a tear had fallen down her cheek. "I'm not splitting with you."

"What did he say would happen if you don't break up with me?"

"He said I would be kicked out and excluded from the band." I gulped.

She started crying so hard, I'd never seen her cry like that before. It killed me to see the amount of pain inflicted on her.

She shook her head, and I didn't know why.

"You need to." She said, looking down again. "You need to say goodbye."

"Y/N, no, I'm not gonna do-"

"You need to, Jack." She had stopped crying, but was breathing uneven and heavily. "This is your future we're talking about here. Yours, not mine. You cannot leave the band. You cannot. You future and life is more important than me. You need to leave me."

"Baby, I'm not gonna do that."

"I'm not asking for you to do it. I'm telling you do it. The band needs you, you're the star of the whole thing, and if you leave, that'll be the end. This is more important than me, you need to go."

"Y/N, baby girl, you listen to me right now." I told her. "I'm. Not. Letting. You. Go. You are precious to me. The most important thing ever. The band is not more important than you. You are the star of my world, I don't care what Aspen or anyone else has to say. I love you, and nobody, I repeat, nobody, can take that love away from me. I'm not saying goodbye. Not today."
I opened the door of the Why Don't We house. Inside the living room sat Daniel and Zach on the couch, Jonah on the floor, and Corbyn on a chair.

They all looked up at me, they were scared for what I was going to tell our manager, who sat with Aspen in the kitchen.

I entered the kitchen, setting my eyes on the island, and sitting down across from him. He cleared his throat, and was about to say what I knew was a prepared speech towards me.

I stopped him.

"No." He looked at me, shocked that I would speak to him that way. "You will not say anything, and I will barely say anything because there is nothing to say."

Him and Aspen looked at each other, clearly already knowing what would come.

"I'm not breaking up with her." And that's it.

I looked behind me and saw the boys peering at us from behind the wall. They weren't shocked, they saw it coming.

I grabbed my keys and walked towards my car.

"You're not part of this band anymore!" He yelled at me.

"Shut up, man!" Jonah told him.

"We'll just get a new manager!" Corbyn yelled at him too.

I opened my car door, sat down, and breathed. I did it. I started the engine, and drove away from what was my home.
I've learned to support Aspen through everything but liking Trump. Go ahead, unfollow me, hate me, stop reading my books, but I do support Aspen and Jack if they are a couple.

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