p r e f e r e n c e 3

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Their reaction to pregnancy...

Jack Avery- "Jack," I started. 

"Yeah, baby?" 

"I'm pregnant."

 "No." He refused to believe the statement I just told him. Was he mad? 

"Yes. I'm sorry, I'm sorry to get pregnant like this. We're so young, and you don't deserve what's happening to you. I'm so sorry, baby, please don't leave me." I pleaded for him to stay, not really seeing any emotion in his eyes. 

"I'm not going to leave you, Y/N." He said quietly, and walked over to me. He hugged me, embracing me in such a small space, and kissed my hair.

"Really?" I asked him, tears threatening to spill.

"Of course! I'm not going to leave because of what people think," I looked down at me, and I looked up at him. "Cause honestly, I don't give a damn."

Corbyn Besson-  "Corbyn," I was sitting next to him on the couch watching TV. 

"What's up?" He looked up at me from his phone seeing the weird expression on my face.

 "I want to give you something." He looked at me weirdly, not understanding at all what was coming. 

"Uh, well, okay then." I handed him the present, and he took it, looking at the wrapping, and how odd the little baby bottles were.

He unwrapped the little box, gently tearing off the bow, and opened it. 

There was a card in there, attached to a pregnancy test. He read the card, he read the words I wrote down on the paper, and looked at me, tears building up in his beautiful blue eyes.

"This isn't a prank?" He asked me, scared if he could laugh or not.

"No, babe, it's not a prank." 

"Oh my god." He started laughing, the tears coming, taking me into a long hug of passion and joy. "I'm so happy. I'm so so so so happy. I love you so much, you wouldn't know."

"I love you too," I wrapped my arms around his neck, breathing in the smells of his shampoo, the scent of his body soap, the fragrance of his laundry detergent. The smells of Corbyn Besson girls would kill for. "I love you too."

Zach Herron-  "Hey, Y/N?" Zach walked up to me, sitting down, resting his feet in the pool, so we were perfectly symmetrical.

"Hmm?" I looked at my phone, not scared if I dropped it into the deep water. 

"What was Jonah talking about in the house? He said it was a secret that you told him, but he told Jack." I looked up from my phone, and into Zach's eyes that were....sad.

"Oh, baby," I put my phone down next to me, and brought him into my chest. I wrapped my arms around his torso, him doing the same to me. He kissed my forehead. "It's nothing like that. Nothing at all, don't think about it, baby."

"What was the secret then?" He sniffed and looked into my Y/E/C eyes. 

I pulled out a pregnancy stick I had been hiding in my pocket, and sat it down next to Zach's leg.

"What is this?" I guess he asked himself, because I knew he knew that I knew what it was.

After looking at the '+' for a time that felt like an hour but was really only a minute, he looked at me. He looked at me, my legs, my arms, my face, my nose, my feet in the water, my hands placed on the hot pavement. Then he looked into the water, and into the house where the four boys were sitting down and laughing.

𝐰𝐝𝐰 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now